W. Somerset Maugham's Personal Library - L'Invasion au Théâtre by Francis de Croisset

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L'invasion au théâtre by Francis de Croisset, 1928

It was some time ago that I mentioned about a book I got while researching on W. Somerset Maugham's personal library at the Harry Ransom Center. Indeed, this is one of the most special items in my collection: L'invasion au théâtre by Francis de Croisset.

The reason is that it once belonged to Maugham, or was intended to be for him, which I will explain later.

Francis de Croisset and Somerset Maugham

Croisset is a peripheral figure in the biographies of Maugham. His mention mostly has to do with a preface that Maugham wrote for the English translation of his book Nos marionnettes (1928), published by Heinemann and Harpers a year later as Our Puppet Show.

Francis de Croisset was "one of the most distinguished dramatists," not only in France, but in Europe.1 He was Maugham's contemporary, born three years after our author in 1877, but had a much shorter lifespan, died in 1937.

He came by his surname in an interesting way. Croisset was originated from a German Jewish family under the name Edgar Franz Wiener. When he moved from his native country Belgium to France, he decided to change his name to be less conspicuous in order to blend into the Parisian society.2 He chose the name Croisset as a tribute to the renowned French author Gustave Flaubert, because that was where Flaubert wrote his correspondence and where he passed away.

He became a famous figure himself in the French literary scene, and authored and co-authored over 40 plays.

Maugham told an amusing story about him:

Once I was at a luncheon party and the company was fashionable and cultured; a woman, intelligent and well-informed, turned to a well-known dramatist who was sitting by her side and asked him:
"Are you going to Marie Tempest's new play tonight?"
"No," he smiled.
"Why not?" she said. "I'm told it's quite good."
"You see, I wrote it. I don't go to my own first nights."
The dramatist was M. de Croisset.3

Nos marionnettes, L'invasion au théâtre, Our Puppet Show

Nos marionettes and L'invasion au théâtre were published in the same year, 1928; the former in May and the latter in July. Nos marionnettes is a collection of revised studies first presented in conferences. L'invasion au théâtre, on the other hand, is a pamphlet, a collection of short articles written for Comoedia.

Nos marionnettes was then translated into English and Maugham was invited to write a preface. In it, typically Maugham, he focused on the author, which, in his eye, is what makes the author's work their work. To prepare for the preface, Maugham was already familiar with L'invasion au théâtre and commented on it.

L'invasion au théâtre is a lament of the state of the French theatre, how from dominating the international stage to being taken over by the American plays and the moving pictures. It does not read unlike a cultural shock of early "globilization," if I can call it that, of the more mature generation. Croisset was hurt by how foreigners perceived and invaded the French theatre, but for one exception: Maugham.

Somerset Maugham, l'illustre auteur de Pluie et de cette belle pièce, le Cercle, qui vient de traduire M. Horace de Carbuccia, Somerset Maugham en convient avec cet amour, cette admiraction et ce respect qu'il a toujours professés pour la France. Mais d'autres auteurs étrangers qui encombrent nos scènes, n'ont ni son équité, ni son élégance.4

It wouldn't come as a surprise then that Maugham was asked to pen the preface of Our Puppet Show.

Cordell was very impressed by Maugham's few brush strokes about the French drama in this preface:

In the same year he wrote an enthusiastic introduction to Our Puppet Show, a collection of essays on the theatre by a friend, the eminent French dramatist Francis de Croisset. Mr. Maugham tries to answer the eternal question, What's wrong with the theatre? and incidentally reveals thorough knowledge of the French drama.5

As mentioned before, Maugham already read L'invasion au théâtre when he prepared his preface, but probably to thank him, Croisset sent Maugham a gift of his work, signed.

L'invasion au théâtre by Francis de Croisset - dedicated to Maugham
L'invasion au théâtre by Francis de Croisset - dedicated to Maugham

It is a very limited edition indeed. There are only 206 copies, 6 of which printed on Japanese paper, and the rest on the less exotic Arches. Croisset gave Maugham no. 140 and wrote a dedication.

However, this is nothing to compare with the care taken in the printing of Nos marionnettes.

Nos marionnettes by Francis de Croisset, printing papers
Nos marionnettes by Francis de Croisset, printing papers

I would have loved to imagine that the copy now in my hands was the one that Maugham perused in his study, puffing on his pipe, but probably by the time he got it he had already read his own copy, or already read the originals in Comoedia, as the little pamphlet was left uncut, and unread.

You can read Maugham's preface to Croisset's Our Puppet Show at My Maugham Collection Concordance Library

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1 Maugham, W. Somerset. (1984). A traveller in romance. London: Anthony Blond, p. 24.
2 De Waleffe, Maurice. (1947). Quand Paris était un paradis. Mémoires 1900-1939. Paris: Denoël.
3 Maugham, p. 24.
4 De Croisset, Francis. (1928). L'invasion au théâtre. Abbeville: F. Paillart, p.4.
5 Cordell, Richard. (1937). W. Somerset Maugham. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, p. 305.
