Free eBooks - Non-Fiction

Though this blog is about collecting Maugham's books as physical objects, I also like to have the digitized version for my eReader, because then I can carry them around and take advantage of technology, not like Maugham who had to suffer the problem of travelling with his enormous book-bag! Besides, it is very convenient when you need to search for something specific.

The followings are works of non-fiction (essays, travel books, memoirs or autobiography, anthologies edited by Maugham, introductions to other writers' books), both loose articles in magazines and collections in book form, that I have found free and out of copyright, which can be read, borrowed, or downloaded.

On the other hand, if you are interested in reading Maugham's works, visit the new My Maugham Collection Concordance Library (MMCCL), which, upon completion, will contain Maugham's complete works and a searchable database.

If you are interested in comments or first editions of Maugham's work, you will find relevant posts on the left hand menu organized by subjects.

Non-fiction by W. Somerset Maugham

Please check back from time to time since I am still in the process of putting links that I have found
Click the images to download/borrow/read

Click the images to download/borrow/read

The Land of the Blessed Virgin. Sketches and Impressions of Andalusia (1905)

The Land of the Blessed Virgin, 1905 Heinemann - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Heinemann, 1905 - this is the first edition, but it is impossible to say which binding variant it is from the scan

The Land of the Blessed Virgin, 1905 Heinemann (proofread) - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Heinemann, 1905; proofread version

Andalusia Sketches and Impressions, 1920 Knopf (1st) - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Alfred A. Knopf, 1920 - this looks like the first edition that came out from Knopf as Andalusia. Sketches and Impressions, however, it also looks that it was rebound

Andalusia Sketches and Impressions, 1920 Knopf (2nd) - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Alfred A. Knopf, 1920 - this is the second edition published by Knopf following the first one in the same year

Review of The Land of the Blessed Virgin

"On Writing for the Films" (1921)

On Writing for the Films, 1921 North American Review - W. Somerset Maugham
  • published in North American Review, May 1921; this is later collected in A Traveller in Romance (1984)

On a Chinese Screen (1922)

On A Chinese Screen, 1922 Doran - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Doran, 1922; a true first edition with the Doran monogram on copyright page

On a Chinese Screen, 1922 Heinemann - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Heinemann, 1922 – most probably a rebound copy

On a Chinese Screen - 1920 Heinemann (proofread) - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Heinemann, 1922 – proofread copy

"Novelist or Bond Salesman. Letter to an Anxious Mother" (1925)

Novelists or Bond Salesman, 1925 The Bookman - W. Somerset Maugham
  • published in The Bookman February, incorporated much later into The Writer's Point of View (1951); the original article is subsequently collected in A Traveller in Romance (1984)

Review of "Novelist or Bond Salesman" and Review of The Writer's Point of View

The Gentleman in the Parlour (1930)

Read the gentleman in the parlour
  • Heinemann, 1930

Review of The Gentleman in the Parlour

"Living in the Grand Hotel" (1933)

Living in a Grand Hotel, 1933 The Saturday Review of Literature - W. Somerset Maugham
  • The Saturday Review of Literature, 20 May 1933; an extract of the introduction to Old Wives' Tale in the Travellers' Library, to be published a week later; not mentioned in Stott 

Travellers' Library (1933)

Traveller's Library, 1933 Doubleday, Doran & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1933 - first edition

"How I Write Short Stories" (1934)

How I Write Short Story, 1934 The Saturday Review of Literature - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Saturday Review of Literature. 28 July; later incorporated in book form in Writing For Love Or Money. Ed. Norman Cousins. New York: Longmans, 1949.

Don Fernando (1935)

Read Don Fernando 1935 by W. Somerset Maugham
  • Heinemann, 1935

The Summing Up (1938)

The Summing Up, 1938 The Literary Guild of America - W. Somerset Maugham
  • The Literary Guild of America, 1938

The Maugham Reader, 1950 Doubleday & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • this is included in The Maugham Reader

Mr Maugham Himself, 1954, Doubleday & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • this can also be read in Mr. Maugham Himself

Review of The Summing Up

"The Professional Writer" (1938)

The Professional Writer, 1938 The Saturday Review of Literature - W. Somerset Maugham
  • The Saturday Review of Literature, 29 January 1938 – this is an extract from The Summing Up and likely a promotional extract from the book that was issued a few weeks before on 6 January. There is an error in Stott that lists the article as published on 29 January 1939. The above link only provides the first part of the article, to be followed on p. 16

For more promotional material for The Summing Up, see Review of Lilliput

Tellers of Tales (1939)

Tellers of Tale, 1939 Doubleday, Doran & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1939 - this is a first edition; later there was an English edition published as The Greatest Stories of All Times: Tellers of Tales (1943); Maugham edited the anthology and wrote the introduction

Tellers of Tales, 1939 The Saturday Review of Literature - W. Somerset Maugham
  • The Saturday Review of Literature, 17 June 1939 - at first glance, this is sufficiently different from the introduction of the collection that Maugham edited under the same name in the same year

"A Briton Views the French Navy" (1940)

A Briton Views the French Navy, 1940 The Living Age - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Living Age, July

Great Modern Reading. W. Somerset Maugham's Introduction to Modern English and American Literature (1943)

Great Modern Reading, 1943 Nelson Doubleday - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Nelson Doubleday, 1943 - there are two issues, one deluxe edition and the other trade. The copy available for borrowing from the Open Library is the former. You will see a photo of Maugham with his signature. It contains an introduction by Maugham and a short commentary by him to each section

W. Somerset Maugham's Introduction to Modern English and American Literature (1943)

W. Somerset Maugham Introduction to Modern English and American Literature, 1943 New Home Library - W. Somerset Maugham
  • The New Home Library, 1943 - this is a reprint of Great Modern Reading (1943)

The Standard Book of Bidding (1944)

The Standard Book of Bidding, 1944 Doubleday & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Doubleday and Company, 1944; Maugham wrote the introduction to this book by Charles H. Goren

Great Novelists and Their Novels (1948)

Great Novelists and Their Novels, 1948 The John C. Winston Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • The John C. Winston Company, 1948; this is the predecessor of the later revised Ten Novels and Their Authors (1954)

Review of Ten Novels and Their Authors

A Writer's Notebooks (1949)

Read A Writer's Notebook by W. Somerset Maugham
  • Doubleday and Company, 1949 - first trade edition, after the limited edition

Mr Maugham Himself, 1954, Doubleday & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • extracts of A Writer's Notebook are included in Mr. Maugham Himself (1954)

The Vagrant Mood (1952)

The Vagrant Mood, 1953 Doubleday & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Doubleday and Company, 1953

Remembrances of H.G. Wells, 1953 The Saturday Review - W. Somerset Maugham
  • one section of the essay "Some Novelists I have known" in The Vagrant Mood is also published in The Saturday Review April 11 1953

Mr Maugham Himself, 1954, Doubleday & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • one of the essays, "Some Novelists I have Known" is included in Mr. Maugham Himself (1954)

Maugham's Choice of Kipling's Best (1953)

  • Doubleday and Company, 1953 - Maugham edited the book and wrote the introduction. A year before, it was published as A Choice of Kipling's Prose by Macmillan. I assume they are the same, although Stott did not comment on that.

"Looking Back on Eighty Years" (1954)

Looking Back on Eighty Years, 1954 The Reporter - W. Somerset Maugham
  • The Reporter, May 1954 – Maugham's 80th birthday broadcast, originally published in The Listener 28 January; later included in A Traveller in Romance (1984)

Ten Novels and Their Authors (1954)

Read 10 Novels and Their Authors
  • Ten Novels and Their Authors, Heinemann, 1954

Points of View (1958)

Points of View by W. Somerset Maugham
  • Heinemann, 1958. This is strictly speaking the last book that Maugham published. Purely for My Pleasure is more like a complement to the sale of his collection of paintings and it is written in a different way. "Looking Back" is never published in book form.

Read review of Points of View

"Looking Back" (1962)

Looking Back by W. Somerset Maugham
  • Show, June to August, 1962. This is the last piece of work that Maugham published, and I believe that this is the only place you can read it online, or read it at all if you don't have the issues of the magazine. This was very controversial in its time and I have annotated it. Enjoy your reading!

Read review of "Looking Back"

Selected Prefaces and Introductions of W. Somerset Maugham (1963)

selected prefaces & intro
  • Heinemann, 1963. I would say the selection isn't too representative. Some of the longer texts are excerpts only.

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  1. This is a quite priceless list. I confess I have already stolen two important corrections of Mr Stott's mistakes. I might have guessed that "The Professional Writer" is an excerpt from "The Summing Up" with promotional purposes, but in fact I didn't. And "A Briton Views the French Navy" seems to be the article wrongly given by Mr Stott as "Britain Views the French Navy" (D120). (Did he hear it wrong on the phone?) The items missed by Mr Stott are also welcome.

    Will add the appropriate links and acknowledgements whenever I use this list.

    1. Thanks for the comment Alexander. I missed the D120, thanks!


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