Free eBooks - Novels

Though this blog is about collecting Maugham's books as physical objects, I also like to have the digitized version for my eReader, because then I can carry them around and take advantage of technology, not like Maugham who had to suffer the problem of travelling with his enormous book-bag! Besides, it is very convenient when you need to search for something specific.

The followings are the novels that I have found free to download; you also have a choice to borrow some of these books from the Open Library. Registration is free and it is not location-restricted; you can borrow from anywhere.

On the other hand, if you wish to read Maugham's works, visit the new My Maugham Collection Concordance Library (MMCCL), which, upon completion, will contain Maugham's complete works and a searchable database.

If you are interested in comments or the first editions of Maugham's work, you will find relevant posts on the left hand menu organized by subjects.

Novels by W. Somerset Maugham 

Please check back from time to time since I am still in the process of putting links that I have found.
Click the book covers to download/borrow/read.

Please click the book covers to download/borrow/read.

Liza of Lambeth (1897)

  • Penguin, unknown year. Interestingly an information is provided that Liza was first published in 1897 by Heinemann!

Liza of Lambeth, Doran 1921 - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Doran 1921 - first US edition

Reviews of Liza of Lambeth
Read and search Liza of Lambeth online

The Making of a Saint (1898)

  • L.C. Page and Company, 1898 - first edition; no photo of the spine and thus impossible to determine which binding it belongs to

  • T. Fisher Unwin, 1898

  • The St. Botolph Society, 1922, under the title The Making of a Saint. A Romance of Mediaeval Italy

  • Popular Library, 1966

The Hero (1901)

  • Hutchison, 1901 - first edition; a pity the cover is hidden and so it's impossible to see whether Maugham's Moorish symbol is upside down in this copy

  • Hutchinson, 1901 - first edition proofread copy

Review and Analysis of The Hero
Catalogue record

Mrs. Craddock (1902)

  • Doran, 1920 (First US ed.)

Mrs. Craddock
  • Proofread copy, probably the same as the above, there isn't any publication info.

The Merry-Go-Round (1904)

  • Heinemann, 1904 - first edition from what can be seen; it looks like the variant binding that Stott mentions in his catalogue

  • Doubleday, Page & Company, 1904 - a most interesting copy, this is the American copyright issue lodged with the Library of Congress

Review and Analysis of The Merry-Go-Round

The Bishop's Apron (1906)

  • Chapman and Hall, 1906 - first edition

Review and Analysis of The Bishop's Apron

The Explorer (1908)

  • Heinemann, 1908 - most definitely the first edition, first state, but it looks like a rebound copy

  • The Baker & Taylor Co., 1909 - second US ed. with illustrations

  • Doran, © 1909 - I can't say for sure when Doran got the copyright to print this

  • Doran, ©1909 proofread

The Magician (1908)

  • Duffield & Company, 1909 - first US ed.

  • Doran, 1921 - for more information about this edition listed as 1908 please see my post on The Magician

  • after 1956 - proofread with "Fragment of Autobiography," so has to be posterior to 1956 edition

Reviews and Analysis of The Magician

Of Human Bondage (1915)

  • Heinemann, 1915 - first UK edition published one day after the first US ed.

  • proofread, undetermined edition

  • © 1915 Garden City Publishing, many copies are quite impossible to determine its year of publication; this is one of them

  • The Modern Library, © 1915

  • The Sun Dial Press, ©1915

  • Grosset & Dunlap, © 1915

  • Doran, © 1915

  • The Sun Dial Press, © 1936 - with foreword

Reviews and Analysis of Of Human Bondage

The Moon and Sixpence (1919)

  • Doran, 1919 - first US ed.

  • Grosset & Dunlap, © 1919

  • Garden City Publishing Co., © 1919

  • The Modern Library, © 1919

  • proofread copy, no year

Reviews and Analysis of The Moon and Sixpence

The Painted Veil (1924)

The Painted Veil 1925 Heinemann
  • Heinemann, 1925

  • Collected Edition, Heinemann, 1934. You will find two different endings depending on the edition you are reading; Maugham rewrote it in 1949. The revision is stylistic and doesn't affect the plot.

  • included in The Maugham Reader 

Review of The Painted Veil

Cakes and Ale (1930)

  • Pocket Books, 1951 - under the title Cakes and Ale and Other Favorites

  • included in Woollcott's Second Reader, 1937

  • Lythway Press, 1976

Cakes and Ale, 1988 Penguin
  • Penguin, 1988

Reviews and Analysis of Cakes and Ale

The Narrow Corner (1932)

Read The Narrow Corner, 1932, Heinemann - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Heinemann, 1932

Theatre (1937)

  • Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1937

Reviews and Analysis of Theatre

Christmas Holiday (1939)

  • Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1939 - likely to be a later printing from first US edition

  • included in The Maugham Reader, Doubleday and Co., 1950

Up At the Villa (1941)

Up At the Villa, 1941 Doubleday, Doran & Co. - W. Somerset Maugham
  • Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1941

The Hour Before the Dawn (1942)

  • Popular Library, 1960

The Razor's Edge (1944)

the razor's edge
  • full text at MMCCL

  • Triangle Books, 1946

  • Penguin Books, 1984

  • Penguin Books, 1992

  • Then and Now (1946)

    • Doubleday & Co., © 1946 - most likely a later printing

    Catalina (1948)

    • Doubleday & Co., 1948 - most likely a later printing though stated First Edition; the true first US ed. was printed by THE COUNTRY LIFE PRESS, GARDEN CITY, N.Y., not THE HADDON CRAFTSMEN, SCRANTON, PA., like this copy

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    1. I have seen a recommendation for 'Mrs Craddock' by Somerset Maugham. I would very much appreciate if you could load this on as a PDF too as I am about to receive a Kindle and PDF works on this format. Many thanks in advance. I can provide the link to the recommendation if you are interested. Thanks once again and Kind Regards,
      Andrew Ward

      1. Hi Andrew,
        Thanks for taking the time to comment.
        It would be helpful if you give me the link.

    2. How do if find out if these are legit downloads (i.e. out of copyright). Would like to download 'The Razor's Edge' but no indication from source that book is out of copyright.

      1. Hello Charlie,
        As I mentioned, I am afraid you will have to decide for yourself. I am not familiar with copyright law so I can't help you there.
        However, you can also borrow from the Open Library. I've changed the link.

    3. sweety... do you have Mrs. Craddock in a portugueses version, maybe...?
      thank you!

    4. I would like to read more Maugham's Travel and Essay titles such as THE GENTLEMAN IN THE PARLOUR, FRANCE AT WAR • STRICTLY PERSONAL • THE SUMMING UP • BOOKS AND YOU • A WRITER'S NOTEBOOK • THE MAUGHAM READER. If possible, please kindly tell me where I could get those ebooks. Thanks

      1. Hi Huy,
        Thanks for visiting my site. If you scroll up a bit and click the third button under "Other Maugham eResources" that says "Non-Fiction" with my logo on it, you will go to the ebook page of non-fiction, including travel books and essays. I am still in the process of updating that page, but the links should be working. If any of them isn't, please let me know.

        On that page you'll find The Summing Up, A Writer's Notebook, and The Maugham Reader; as for the other titles you mention, they are not available free yet.

    5. I am Jegatheesan from India . I started reading Maugham books when I was a little kid and even now after the passage of some 40 odd years I find that no other story teller has made an impact on me like WSM. I obviously look the world through a prism called WSM and have come to the point that nothing is new under the sun because WSM has exhausted everything that can be written.Of Human Bondage is and will ever remain my favourite because it is nothing but MY LIFE STORY and WSM has written it even before I was born!.

      1. Hi, very please to meet you, Jegatheesan! Wonderful to know someone who is so taken with Maugham! I only started reading him something like seven years ago, and he has since then affected me greatly, and will continue to do so. Such a fitting description, WSM prism. Thanks very much for the comment!

    6. Do you have the book of visit to the pagodas?

      1. Hi Tuden,
        Do you mean The Gentleman in the Parlour? If so, it's at MMCCL:


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