La passe dangereuse - French Edition of The Painted Veil

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La passe dangereuse & La comédienne

La passe dangereuse. Trans. Madame E.-R. Blanchet. [Paris]: Hachette, 1964

I am going to talk about an unassuming little book, by which I was very pleasantly surprised. Some time ago I showed a French edition of La comédienne, a translation of Theatre, which I received as a gift. The present book, La passe dangereuse, has a different publisher, issued for a different club, but the design resembles almost exactly as La comédienne.

What is so special about this little book is besides the quaint cover, which was what attracted me to buy it in the first place. It includes an introduction with a brief biography of Maugham, which, curiously, is full of factual errors. But all this you can overlook, because of the rich photos of Maugham and his home.

Maugham & his fountain pens
Maugham & his fountain pens

Let's talk first about an interesting fact. According to the introduction, Maugham had used 62 pens to their demise! Presumably fountain pens. That's quite something. However, I can't vouch for its truth; I still have to sit down seriously to tackle the biographies. As you will see below, you have to take the whole introduction with a grain of salt.

Now, let's get to the intriguing errors.

According to it, Maugham was born on "le 27 Janvier 1874." Maugham was actually born 2 days before.

Then, it says that in 1907, Maugham finally reached success with Lady Frederick, which is true, but at that time he wasn't "interne Ă  Saint-Hospital." And then comes the most curious fact:

Une infirmière qui avait lu le manuscrit de «Lady Frederick» montra une telle admiration que le docteur Maugham fut encouragĂ©. Il prĂ©senta sa pièce au New Theâtre. le Directeur la lut avec beaucoup de rĂ©ticence mais il avait une secrĂ©taire efficace. Et comme l'infirmière, elle s'enthousiasma tant pour sa lecture que son patron, M. Stuart, impressionnĂ©, monta «Lady Frederick».

This is the first time I read anything about a nurse reading Lady Frederick. By 1907, Maugham had long quitted St. Thomas's Hospital. In fact, he never practised. He achieved his theatrical success with Lady Frederick because by chance, Otho Stuart ran out of a play at the Court Theatre (not the New Theatre). Let's read what Maugham says:

Then it happened that Mr. Otho Stuart, who had the Court Theatre where he was trying to produce plays of merit without losing too much money, found himself at a loose end. He had been surprised by an unexpected failure and for some reason could not put on at once the piece he had in mind. Lady Frederick was brought to his notice, and though it was not the sort of thing he cared for, his proclivities being Shakespearean and his heart with the drama of ideas, he was in a quandary. He thought Lady Frederick would run the six weeks he needed to get his next play ready and so accepted it. It lasted for more than a year. (Preface to Plays, vol. 1)

Then in the introduction it is argued that Maugham was most popular with women (female readers, it means, ahem...), which may be true, but read:

Somerset Maugham, qui croit volontiers aux signes, ne s'en Ă©tonne pas: mĂ©dicin, il s'occupait de femmes et «Lady Frederick» et «Liza de Lambeth», se premières Ĺ“uvres, n'avaient-elles pas pour titres des noms fĂ©minins?

All right... that's taking a lot of poetic licence. But then wait, the meat is to come:

Cependent, ce romancier aimé des femmes ne les a certes pas ménagées. Il les a égratignées avec beaucoup de constance et jugées sévèrement. Cette vision un peu cruelle de l'autre sexe, ce manque d'indulgence s'expliquent en partie par le fait que le mariage de l'écrivain n'avait pas été un mariage très heureux. Il avait épousé en 1910 la fille d'un médecin syrien, le Dr Barnado [sic].

By this time, I was rolling on the floor. This is priceless. You have to buy this book!

Maugham at home
Maugham at home

Maugham married Syrie Wellcome (née Barnardo) in 1917, and no, "Syrie" is her name, not her nationality.

And then it says that Of Human Bondage is Maugham's first novel, which is in fact his ninth. Besides, there is internal contradiction, since the introduction already mentions Liza of Lambeth, if we ignore all the others, it should be his second.

What is most perplexing is the wrong dates attributed to different novels. They are completely off, but it is possible that the references are to the publication dates of the French translations; however, they don't correspond completely either.

  • La passe dangereuse (1926)
    The Painted Veil, first serialized in 1924, book published 1925
    French ed. 1926
  • Le fugitif (1933)
    The Narrow Corner, first published in 1932
    French ed. 1933
  • Le magicien (1937)
    The Magician, first published in 1908
    French ed. 1938
  • L'archipel aux sirènes (1924)
    The Trembling of a Leaf, first published in 1921
    French ed. 1925
  • Amours singulières (1932)
    Six Stories Written in First Person Singular, first published in 1930
    French ed. 1932
  • La femme dans la jungle (1934)
    Ah King, first published in 1933)
    French ed. 1934
  • La ronde de l'amour (1930)
    Cakes and Ale, first published in 1930
    French ed. 1931
  • Le paravent Chinois (1933)
    On a Chinese Screen, first published in 1922
    French ed. 1933

My source of French translations is William H. Henry, Jr.'s A French Bibliography of W. Somerset Maugham (1967). Presumably it is reliable. The anomalies aren't that significant really. What does it matter anyway? You can rightly say.

Maugham at garden
Maugham at garden

I haven't really looked into translations of Maugham's books. Some of the titles in French are puzzling, like Ah King, which becomes La femme dans la jungle, or First Person Singular as Amours singulières. The French seem to stress the romance in Maugham's stories.

There was a brief introduction to the novel itself too, again with very strange information. It says that the book was written in 1926, two years after its first serialization in Nash's Pall Mall and Hearst's International. And very surprisingly, the character that the introduction chooses to highlight is Walter Lane, with "noble" as adjective. I would say without doubt, the most beautifully drawn character is Kitty Lane. Walter is rigid, foolish, and unforgiving, romanticized by Edward Norton's recent screen version. I haven't seen the older movies, and I wonder if they also make him a hero and a lover, which he is anything but in the novel.

Careful reader will have noticed a strange thing. I wrote Walter Lane. That's right. This troublesome name is somehow retained in the French edition. This was one of the controversies involved in the publication history of The Painted Veil. During its serialization, Maugham had to change the surname of his couples from Lane to Forr to Fane (when coming out in book form), because of the threat of libel from a couple with exactly the same names.

I checked my Spanish translation and Fane is used. I wonder if Blanchet translated from the magazine serialization. Her version was first published in 1926, so it is possible that she started working on it early, before Maugham made all the changes. It would be interesting to compare the texts.

I really like the cover, which is a Japanese painting on rice paper in the eighteenth century, but the reference to the novel is minimum, limited to the fact that the settings of part of the novel are in Hong Kong and China.

Madame E.-R. Blanchet was a well-known translator and she seems to have translated almost all of Maugham's books. From what I can see, at least up to Christmas Holiday. According to Bibliothèque National de France's file, her name is Marie-Christine Blanchet. Supposedly by marriage to Émile R. Blanchet she got the name she used for her publications. However, it is not clear if the husband in question was the pianist and composer Émile-Robert Blanchet.

Selina Hastings in her biography of Maugham provides an interesting information. According to her, Mme. Blanchet was a girlfriend of Horace de Carbuccia, founder of Éditions de France, and this was a little job that he got for her, which began with the translation of four plays.

I mentioned at the beginning the resemblance of this edition with La comédienne. The style of the covers is very similar, and the endpapers are the same. But they are published by different publishers for different clubs: Cercle du Bibliophile and Club de la Femme. I suspect there must be some relations between them. They have printed many books and I find them very attractive.

I have seen quite a few copies of this little book and the price is more than agreeable. I consider it a nice addition to my collection.

La passe dangereuse at ABE
La comédienne at ABE
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