The Maugham Reader (1950) – The Villa Mauresque Edition

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The Maugham Reader - The Villa Mauresque Edition
The Maugham Reader - The Villa Mauresque Edition

The Maugham Reader with an Introduction by Glenway Wescott (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1950)

This is a recent acquisition, which I never would have thought of buying. It is a collection of W. Somerset Maugham's works, an assortment of novels, short stories, plays, and non-fiction pieces. Certainly it would make nice reading, and it would have worked quite well for a long train trip in the old days. Heavy but not too heavy, and it would definitely last you a week or so of holidays, or even longer.

Naturally the question for me is: I have the first edition of every single piece that is included in this volume, why do I want to buy it?

I have a very good answer for this one.

Maugham's Letter to Booksellers

The Maugham Reader - title verso
The Maugham Reader - title verso

Stott did mention this particular edition, but how nice it actually is didn't come through in his description. I did have a look at it on Internet Archive, with those strange prints on the cover that I don't even want to decipher, which I probably should... Okay, I did, a head, a tree, a gazebo or whatever. This edition is likely to be a later reprint though. The first edition is with a more subdue elegant cover.

The very significant book cover (let's grant it that) was nil incentive for me, until I actually saw a photo of what Maugham did to the presentation edition.

Within is a page of facsimile of a letter from Maugham dedicated to booksellers, together with one of his habitual signature with initials only.

This is called the Villa Mauresque Edition. It was a presentation edition, not for sale, and according to Stott, was given to booksellers.

I have got Maugham's facsimile manuscripts in Cakes and Ale limited edition and Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction. Believe me, it's quite an experience to actually see Maugham's manuscripts, and before their reproductions are legitimate to be put on the web, these scattered pages are the second best.

The Maugham Reader - The Villa Mauresque Edition, letter
The Maugham Reader - The Villa Mauresque Edition, letter

This letter to booksellers is quite substantial. I will transcribe it below:

Both as an author & as a reader I am glad to have this opportunity to pay my respects & send a cordial greeting to the booksellers to whom Doubleday & Co are presenting this special edition. An author wishes to reach as many readers as he can & on that account I for my part welcome inexpensive reprints of my books so that no one who cares to read them at all should be prevented from doing so because he cannot afford to buy them. I know how much the bookseller can do for a book he thinks well of, and I am grateful to them – & they are many – whose efforts have been largely instrumental in obtaining the not inconsiderable circulation (to put it modestly) that mine have enjoyed.

But that is not my only debt to the booksellers. I have spent many happy hours in their stores, mercifully undisturbed by an officious assistant who offers me help I am far from wanting, browsing idly among the books & making a mental note of all those I should like to read, & ought to read, if only life were long enough. And if I want help it is there for the asking. Often I want to know which is the best book on a certain subject & I am [illegible] sure that the bookseller will be able to tell me, & often I cannot make up my mind whether I shall read a book or not & I rely on my booksellers advice. He seldom lets me down. The perfect bookseller is a the reader's best friend.

I suspect it is a letter that Doubleday asked Maugham to write to include in this special edition. And it is curious that Maugham crossed out a word and didn't bother to rewrite the letter. Well, it was almost at the end, which means he would have to rewrite from the very beginning. Nevertheless, Maugham rewrote pages and pages when he was working on a book, copying passages again and again as could be seen in his manuscripts. I wonder how heartfelt was his thanks to booksellers...

An odd thing is that the exact same facsimile letter was printed again at the end of the book, acting like endpapers, I guess.

Maugham did have more to say about booksellers. Before his eventual aversion to Fred Bason, an ambitious Cockney bookseller, whom he helped generously for a few years, Maugham wrote in the preface to Bason's bibliography of his writings:

When the industrious compiler of this bibliography asked me to write a short preface to it I could not but at once consent, but then, considering the matter, I discovered that I did not in the least know how to set about it. So I went to my booksellers, Messrs Bumpus, and asked one of the gentlemen who are accustomed to my vagueness (for I seldom know the name of a book I want, hardly ever the author's, and never the publisher's, so that they have to guess from my confused description and my inexact recollection of where I read about it, what exactly I am looking for) to show me what bibliographies they had.

Bumpus bookshop in Oxford Street was a famous one, and Maugham must have been a frequent visitor himself. It was there that he opened an account for his daughter to enable her to buy as many books as she wished.

Another feature of this volume is an introduction by Glenway Wescott, which I have discussed in a previous post. It is a defence of Maugham as a writer and an evaluation of his luck with posterity.

This is a book worth buying, even though you have all that it contains, but make sure you are getting the presentation edition, The Villa Mauresque Edition, and be certain that your seller is aware of it. The first copy I received was the trade edition, even though it said presentation edition on the catalogue.

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