The Magician (1908) – The Colonial Edition

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The Magician (1908) colonial edition - WS Maugham
The Magician (1908) colonial edition - WS Maugham

The Magician (London: Heinemann, 1908)

My fifth copy of The Magician. Yes, incredible. What is special about this one is that it is a Heinemann colonial edition, which I haven't seen before. I don't mean it is unknown, just that I personally haven't seen one before, and you can imagine how thrilled I am!

Stott mentions this edition in his bibliography, but its description is a bit different from my copy.

I do like this design of intercalated panels. Maugham's symbol for some reason isn't anywhere in the colonial edition, and I wonder why the cover is so much more decorative than the first edition. It was printed for the British Colonies and India. It would be interesting to study book design and cultural differences. Presumably this would be favourable for its sale in the colonies.

The Magician (1908) colonial edition - WS Maugham - half title
The Magician (1908) colonial edition - WS Maugham - half title

In Stott's description, the letters on the cover is in gold, same as on the spine. My copy is in red letters on cover and black on spine, which would point to the fact that this is a later printing. On the copyright page, Stott lists "First printed, November, 1908 / All rights reserved"; mine says: "[All rights reserved]."

Without the "First printed" statement, definitely, if Stott is right (and I have no reason not to believe him), mine is a latter printing. Curiously though, for Liza of Lambeth (by a different publisher), the brackets are used to mark the first printing.

The Magician (1908) colonial edition - WS Maugham - title
The Magician (1908) colonial edition - WS Maugham - title

My copy also has the two pages of advertisements. As there are no more details in Stott's entry, I can't compare them.

I have talked about the novel on numerous occasions, please refer to "Related Posts" if you are interested in other editions or the analysis of the content. It is definitely one of my favourite books, even though Maugham wasn't too fond of it. I just realized that there is one edition I have that I haven't posted yet. Hope to do so some time soon.

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