Analysis: "A Woman Who Wouldn't Quit" (1942) by W. Somerset Maugham

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A Woman Who Wouldn't Quit - Somerset Maugham
A Woman Who Wouldn't Quit - Somerset Maugham

"A Woman Who Wouldn't Quit." This Week Magazine, 4 January, 1942.

I came across a most interesting piece recently, now finally I have it in front of me. A short story written by W. Somerset Maugham called "A Woman Who Wouldn't Quit." You wouldn't find it anywhere else under that title. It was not recorded by Stott, but it was collected in John Whitehead's A Traveller in Romance. Uncollected Writings 1901-1964) under the title "The Noblest Act."

The Noblest Act: A Woman Who Wouldn't Quit

This is a very very short story, fewer than 1,000 words. In Whitehead's collection it's called "The Noblest Act" but that isn't the title of the story. The Noblest Act is the name of the column in which Maugham's story was published, and Maugham named it "A Woman Who Wouldn't Quit."

It is likely to be a commissioned story, in the midst of WWII to boost people's morale, which thus led Whitehead to group it under "Wartime Articles in America." Maugham had been active in providing propaganda work. He had already produced France At War (1940), Strictly Personal (1941), The Hour Before the Dawn (1942) which was to come out in a few months' time, alongside a series of articles in Redbook.

As mentioned, The Noblest Act was a column and its purpose was to register just that, noble acts to raise the morale of the American public:

In every war-scarred land there have been moments of heroism and sacrifice which prove that horror and brutality cannot snuff out the nobility of mankind. To record such great moments, we have asked famous authors and war correspondents to describe for us the noblest acts — by soldier or civilian — that they have witnessed.

Below is the first of these articles — by one of the most distinguished authors of our time. Mr. Maugham has changed the names of the characters, but in every other detail it is a true and exact report of the simple heroism of two human souls.

In future issues other noted writers will describe the noblest acts they have seen. — THE EDITOR.

Very interestingly, Maugham's choice of the noblest act is a very indirect one, not of any war hero, or even the doctor in the story, but the doctor's wife, whose life was very much indeed affected by atrocities that were going on. It is a strong message that one way or another, we are all involved.

It is also very interesting that the editor strove to emphasize its truthfulness. Naturally this is very understandable, although not devoid of irony. The editor wanted this piece of fiction as evidence of goodness, and the veracity of the story was the basis of his propaganda. However, Maugham was notorious for getting into trouble with portraying characters too close to living people, such as in the cases of The Magician, The Painted Veil, or Cakes and Ale. Maugham's sarcastic conclusion is hard to refute:

I draw from this the somewhat surprising conclusion that we know our friends by their defects and not by their merits. (preface to First Person Singular)

At least it is so in his case, from the complaints he received for his fun but not very flattering characters.

Analysis: The Woman Who Wouldn't Quit

This Week Magazine - Somerset Maugham
This Week Magazine - Somerset Maugham

This is a very short story, fewer than a thousand words, and was never reprinted again. Most probably Maugham saw it as a piece of propaganda and thought no more about it after having written it. However, it is a powerful story in its own way.

The title is reminiscent of "The Woman Who Wouldn't Take a Hint" (1924), in which another woman of character was portrayed. The story opens with a scene of Mrs. Farley crossing off another date on a calendar. As I have shown in other posts on Maugham's short stories, he is always to the point at the very beginning. Here Mrs. Farley knew she was silly, which denotes that it was not a habitual act of hers; it was out of character for her to be counting the days to the next holidays. Immediately we find out who she was and what the cause was.

She was an English woman and she longed for home, which she hadn't visited for 5 years. She had been in the Malay States for 30 years and she missed her children, who were in England. She also was very sick. Her only cure was to be back home, in a different climate.

However, all her hopes went to pot when her husband appeared, late for dinner. Because of the war, the physician who was supposed to substitute him couldn't come. Dr. Farley was the responsible kind of chap who couldn't leave his patients without a doctor, and he was also the lovely kind of husband who couldn't do without his wife, and Mrs. Farley knew it. She refused his offer to get on with their vacation despite all and persuaded him that she naturally was going to stay with him too.

Yes, it does sound a bit melodramatic, but it's quite effective. Moreover, Maugham managed very well the change of mood and the pending disappointment. He successfully captured the high point of anticipation and the sudden crushing anticlimax. It reminds me in a way of an excellent short story by Kate Chopin, "The Story of an Hour" (1894), a very effective story with two elements of surprise.

This Week Magazine

It took me some time to find the magazine from Whitehead's vague title. This Week Magazine is more a Sunday newspaper supplement. When I got mine I could hardly believe the perfect state it is in. This supplement was issued with several different newspapers, Los Angeles Times, The Dallas Morning News, The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) and the Boston Herald. My copy was with The Dallas Morning News.

"A Woman Who Wouldn't Quit" can be read at MMCCL.

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