Philip's Club Foot – Which Foot Art Thou?

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Of Human Bondage Heinemann Dust Jacket
Of Human Bondage dust jacket, Heinemann

Of Human Bondage (London: Heinemann, 1940)

This question has been in the back of my mind ever since I attended the dramatic adaptation of Of Human Bondage by Vern Thiessen and Albert Schultz.

I noticed something odd but couldn't point out what it was until I got home, when it was too late to check. It was puzzling to see that, if I remember correctly, Philip Carey's club foot was the right foot.

Philip's club foot on the wrong foot is a significant event in collecting W. Somerset Maugham's books. When Of Human Bondage first came out in England on 13 August 1915, a day after the first American edition, the original jacket was rejected because, according to Stott, "the club-foot was on the wrong foot." 440 copies of the novel with this wrong-footed dust jacket were supposed to have been released.

Of Human Bondage 1915 Heinemann Dust Jacket
Of Human Bondage 1915 Heinemann Dust Jacket

Nothing more specific is given about this, except a reproduction of the original jacket registered as in The Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin.

This seems to be too vague, let's get to a more familiar territory. Let's look at the novel.

You will be surprised how few references Maugham gives as to which of Philip's foot suffers from the deformity.

I haven't reread the novel for some time, and I think there are only 2 references to which foot is the club foot among the 600 odd pages.

At the very beginning Maugham hinted at Philip's misfortune:

Knowing she would not be allowed to keep the child much longer, the woman kissed him again; and she passed her hand down his body till she came to his feet; she held the right foot in her hand and felt the five small toes; and then slowly passed her hand over the left one. She gave a sob.

The second reference is at the place where little Philip believes in God's power to move mountains literally and prays honestly for his foot to be right again (in our case, to be like the right one):

His first instinct was to put down his hand and feel the foot which was whole now, but to do this seemed to doubt the goodness of God. He knew that his foot was well. But at last he made up his mind, and with the toes of his right foot he just touched his left. Then he passed his hand over it.

With the strength of these two quotes I do pronounce the left foot is the club foot.

Then the intrigue begins.

According to Stott, 5,000 copies with the correct dust jacket were printed. So presumably the mistake was corrected. That is why I was very surprised when I bought a reprint of the collected edition with dust jacket the club foot is on the right foot (observe the light-coloured trousers; the pair in the original is supposed to be green). Norman Moore had another copy printed in 1931 that came with the same dust jacket, wrong club foot, light trousers. I searched for an image of the supposedly corrected dust jacket, but so far I haven't seen any.

Now, the intrigue could have ended here. Maybe Stott was wrong, maybe it was a dust jacket design error, so what?

Of Human Bondage 1934
Of Human Bondage 1934
Of Human Bondage 1964
Of Human Bondage 1964

I started to review the movies. It turns out that in both Leslie Howard's (1934) and Laurence Harvey's (1964) the club foot is on the right foot. In the former, Maugham was more involved and it is hard to explain why the error wasn't corrected. Did Maugham watch the movie? Was there a practical reason to put the club foot on the other foot? Then comes the unpleasant question: has any of them read the novel?

Somerset Maugham and Bette Davis
Somerset Maugham & Bette Davis

Then again, of course, it little matters, except from some psychological points of view. Right brain left brain and whatever theoretical significance you want to read into this.

As for me, I am deadly curious. The whole thing seems so inexplicable. Why this "disobedience" to the text? Perhaps people find if it were the right foot more significance could have been read into it? Does it render one more vulnerable to have the right foot impaired? Why this consistent error? Just from copying each other?

Most probably I will carry this question to my grave; maybe someone can write me a clever limerick about my obsession with Philip's limp for my epitaph.

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