W. Somerset Maugham's Horoscopic Wisdom

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Maugham Horoscope Wisdom
Free Will Astrology. Horoscopes for the week of March 17–23, 2016

Just came across today an amusing news. If I am here to testify W. Somerset Maugham's presence in the 21st century, this is well worth recording.

I have to give Rob Brezsny a vote of ingenuity, though I am not a habitual horoscope reader and thus uncertain if this quoting authorities has become the latest trend of horoscope reading.

Maugham has the honour of being cited to advise Gemini to have some real fun and excess during this week, as you can see in the image. Well, go and have fun, Gemini!

For those who are curious about the quote, it's from Chapter 15, The Summing Up (1938).

