The Summing Up Limited Edition (1954) – W. Somerset Maugham

The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Slipcase
The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Slipcase

The Summing Up (New York: Doubleday & Co., 1954)

In this post I am going to talk about a beautiful book, both in content and as an object, a little present that I got for myself, a very special present indeed. In a moment, I will tell you why.

In a previous post I mentioned another limited edition printed for the celebration of Maugham's eightieth birthday: Cakes and Ale, published by Heinemann, with a special preface and four pages of reproduction of the manuscript. It is also a beautiful book, illustrated by Graham Sutherland's sketches. One thousand copies were made.

Naturally, Maugham's American publisher was not to be left behind on such an occasion to celebrate the works of the Grand Old Man of Letters.

The book that Doubleday published is a great choice too, The Summing Up. Heavy, printed on thick watermarked rag papers, gilt top edge and fore-edges uncut.

The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Cover The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Spine
The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Cover and Spine

This particular copy is so special for me because these uncut edges remained uncut after sixty-one years. Somehow, this copy has never been read, sitting on various shelves possibly, in its slipcase fading slightly from the sunlight, waiting for me with my knife.

I cut the leaves on the fiftieth anniversary of Maugham's death. Everything went well; well, I had quite a bit of practice with all the books I had been handling over the years. You can bet that I did this one with elegance and nonchalance. On this score, I have no need for humility.

The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Signature
The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Signature

Besides the graceful and stylish design, there are two other singular points to this edition. First, it was truly "limited", only 391 copies were printed and 375 of them were for sale, to which this is no. 41, curiously a special number for me. Yes, I know, this book was made for me... I need no further proof.

Secondly... this is a point that puzzles me though I can understand its significance. Well, secondly, it was printed with a twelve-point Janson font (pleasant and clear, pleasing to the eye), and the type, after printing these 391 copies, was destroyed.

Of course this is supposed to increase the book's value, but I feel that it is a little too dramatic.

The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Frontispiece
The Summing Up (1954) Limited Edition - Frontispiece

Unfortunately it does not contain reproduction of the manuscript, like the limited edition of Cakes and Ale, which would have been really nice. It contains a frontispiece by Bernard Perlin made with silverpoint (beautiful technique) in 1946. However, it does not look like Maugham to me. Something does not appear to be right in this drawing; an essence that Perlin seemed to have failed to capture.

This limited edition contains an afterword, slightly different from the preface to The Partial View published in the same year. I would say at first glance that it is the same as the afterword in Mr. Maugham Himself, also published in the same year.

Of course I am going to read this copy that has never been read before. Without doubt, this is one of the books that one can read again and again, and find something new.
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The Summing Up Limited Edition at AbeBooks
