W. Somerset Maugham: Four Short Stories Illustrated with Drawings by Henri Matisse

W. Somerset Maugham Four Short Stories Matisse 1970
W. Somerset Maugham Four Short Stories Illustrated with Drawings by Matisse, 1970

W. Somerset Maugham: Four Short Stories Illustrated with Drawings by Henri Matisse
cover decorated with Habor at Collioure (1906) (Kansas City: Hallmark Cards, 1970)

Browsing at a book store the other day I found this neat little volume (12cm x 20cm). I don't remember the last time I browsed at a bookstore with satisfactory profit, and thus I am very happy to have got a few things this time for a change.

Matisse Arabesque 1924
Arabesque (1924), frontispiece

Unprepared, I found myself not at all well-versed in Stott... When I held this tiny tome in my hand I had no recollection of it, but made up my mind to get it since the price was insignificant.

Matisse Madame Gris 1914
Madame Gris (1914), "The Ant and the Grasshopper"

It contained four short stories, as the title discreetly suggests, previously made into films in the collections Quartet, Trio, and Encore. The stories are "The Ant and the Grasshopper," "The Verger," "Mr. Know-All," and "The Colonel's Lady."

Matisse Saint Dominic 1951
Saint Dominic (1951), "The Verger"

Each story comes with a little summary at the beginning.

As for Matisse, there are all together five drawings, all from MOMA. The little book is nicely produced and feels good in your hands. Maugham did possess two of Matisse's paintings and knew the artist, but Maugham seemed to look at the great man with humour rather than admiration.

Matisse Head Fingers Touching Lips 1929
Head, Fingers Touching Lips (1929), "Mr. Know-All"

I can't decipher what the occasion could be for this publication. Definitely it would sit very nicely on the shelf beside other Hallmark cards. Someone may pick it up to add to the Christmas stocking I guess. Or perhaps it was to be sold in MOMA's shop.
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Four Short Stories Illustrated by Matisse at AbeBooks


  1. Yes, I can see why Maugham viewed Matisse with humor. Pretty much anyone who practices for just a few months can draw as well as Matisse. In my opinion, the only thing Matisse had going for him was that he was a good colorist. Take away that, and all you have is a well-connected, over-hyped amateur.

    1. Haha, when I flipped to Saint Dominic I wasn't quite sure what to think.


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