Cakes and Ale (1950) With a Special Introduction - W. Somerset Maugham

Cakes and Ale 1950 Modern Library
Cakes and Ale 1950, Modern Library

Cakes and Ale (New York: The Modern Library, 1950)

I realize that though I have mentioned this edition in a previous post, I haven't talked about it. This is the 1950 Modern Library edition of Cakes and Ale, with a subdue but pleasant dust jacket. What is special about it is the new introduction in which W. Somerset Maugham "confessed" that he based the character Alroy Kear on Hugh Walpole, which I discussed in details before.

For some reasons that I know not what, I always thought that this book was much bigger than it is.

I wonder why Maugham decided to put the controversial introduction in this edition, perhaps it was the right time and it just happened to be with The Modern Library. It was printed also in The New York Times on 19 March 1950, when the book came out.

I stumbled across this fantastic site while trying to find an answer. For those who collect The Modern Library editions, it includes a big database of the variety of ML dust jackets.

I am sort of in the middle of Hans Frost by Walpole, and wasn't I surprised when I found out what the book was about–a Grand Old Man of Letters! And it was published in 1929, a year before Cakes and Ale came out. Did Maugham know about it before he wrote Cakes and Ale? The problem is that Cakes and Ale is a masterpiece, and it is bound to dim anything near it.

Hans Frost has a similar theme, a Grand Old Man of Letters constrained by his young wife to respectability. However, it is told (mainly) in the perspective of Frost, with all the conflicts that he has, coming to terms with old age, the wish to feel alive again, and self-doubts (and lots of self-indulgence). Added to the picture is his long-lost niece, Nathalie, on whom, after pages and pages of indetermination finally I gather that he is having an amorous crush. It's like Walpole feels that it is indecent to tell you so outright and take 200 pages to break the news. At times I felt like I was reading a children's book mixed with Jamesian hesitations, which tempted me to close it so badly.

No, I am going to finish it this time. Fortunately, I have passed the children's-book chapters.

Distractions aside. This Cakes and Ale is another neat edition. I am not sure if this introduction has been printed outside The Modern Library, as the other editions I have occasion to look at either have no introduction or with the 1934 introduction.

Copies with dust jackets are very cheap, and it is definitely worth buying if only for the introduction.
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Cakes and Ale 1950 Modern Library at AbeBooks
