Analysis: Some Historical, Cultural, and Literary References in Mrs. Craddock (1902) by W. Somerset Maugham

Miss Ley in Mrs. Craddock - W. Somerset Maugham
Miss Ley (Portrait-statue of Agrippina) in Mrs. Craddock (1902)
W. Somerset Maugham

As Mrs.Craddock (1902) was written over a hundred years ago, some of the references that W. Somerset Maugham made in the novel may not be so obvious, and it is interesting to find them out, as I have been doing with some of his other works.

The picture for this post is most probably the portrait-statue that Maugham mentions as the model of his fictitious Miss Ley. For more discussion on this character, please refer to the last post on the analysis and editions of Mrs. Craddock.

Mudie's Select Library

Next day, after luncheon, Miss Ley retired to the drawing-room and unpacked the books that had just arrived from Mudie. (37)
Readers of ninteenth- and early twentienth-century novels wouldn't be unfamiliar with Mudie. It is part of the interesting historical development of libraries and reading habits. Mudie's catered for middle-class Londoners, who preferred to take the books with them and read at home. Apparently Miss Ley was willing to pay higher subscription fee since she got more than one book at a time.*

And this is a great one:
To the man of letters it [irony] is a missile that he can fling in the reader's face to disprove the pestilent heresy that a man writes books for the subscriber to Mudie's Library, rather than for himself. (259)

The British Library has a list of the catalogue of books from Mudie's around 1878.

Becky Sharp and Amelia

Miss Glover was a worthy person, but tedious; and that Miss Ley could not forgive. Better ten thousand times, in her opinion, was it to be Becky Sharp and a monster of wickedness than Amelia and a monster of stupidity. (38)
Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley are characters in Thackeray's famous Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero (1847–1848). The main difference of the characters is self explanatory in Maugham's reference to it.

Dean Farrar

She [Miss Glover] was somewhat afraid of the elder lady [Miss Ley]: even though her brother Charles said he feared she was worldly, Miss Glover could not fail to respect a woman who had lived in London and on the continent, who had met Dean Farrer and seen Miss Marie Corelli. (40)
Dean Farrar is Frederic William Farrar (1831–1903), cleric of the Anglican Church, Dean of Canterbury, and pallbearer of Charles Darwin. He died in Canterbury in 1903 and must have been a famous local figure in his time.

As for Marie Corelli (1855–1924), I assume she is still well-known enough. Very popular novelist in her time, she appears quite frequently in Maugham's works, hugely admired by his not very bright characters. I haven't read any of her novels, so I can't say much about her.

Reckitt's Blue

Reckitt's Blue
Reckitt's Blue Ad
There was a delightful humanity about the bare church with its pitchpine, highly varnished pews, and the odours of hair-pomade and Reckitt's Blue. (94)
Reckitt's Blue was a laundry powder for whitening clothes, from the description it must have a typical scent.

Cat's Meat

"Well, when you ask for something reasonable, I always try my best to do it; but really, after I've paid thirty-five guineas for a horse, I can't cut him up for cat's meat." (138)
I did a whole post on "as mean as cat's meat" before. Cat's meat is horseflesh, which was used to feed cats.

"I could not love thee, Dear, so much, / Loved I not Honour more."

"'I could not love you half so much, loved I not honour more,'" misquoted Edward. (191)
Quite a popular line in Maugham's works, to show the inanity of his characters. It is from a poem by Richard Lovelace (1618–1657), "To Lucasta, going to the Wars." Edward's misquote of "half so much" is ingenious.

Lothario and Belinda

"Gerald always does that with everybody. He's the most gregarious person. How are you, Lothario?"

"Flourishing, Belinda," he replied, flinging his arms round Miss Ley's neck to her great delight and pretended indignation." (264)
About this one I am not exactly sure, but I would venture to say that Lothario is a name associated with unscrupulous seducer in literature, it has been used by Cervantes in his El curioso impertinente (1605), later in Nicholas Rowe's The Fair Penitent (1703).

El curioso impertiente has an interesting history attached to it. It was included in the first part of Don Quixote, and somehow it was separated and bound together at one point with a book called La silva curiosa (1580) by an obscure author, Julián de Medrano, which led scholars to attribute El curioso impertiente to him for a period.

As for La silva curiosa, it is one of those strange rarities. Most of the book I would say quite boring, except for researchers of the period; however, there is one part about necromancy that several pilgrims experienced that is still chilling to read. Furthermore, it contains letters between two Jewish princes from Spain and Constantinople, which, very unfortunately, are now used for antisemitic propaganda on the Internet. The letters follow the jocular tradition and poor Medrano, after four hundred years, is going to pay for it.

The reference to Belinda is more obscure. It is probably referring to Belinda in Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock." The name itself means "lovely to behold," and most probably it is saying no more than that in this reference.

There is a book called Belinda (1801) by Maria Edgeworth, which I read æons ago, but it is more about female friendship, if I remember correctly, and virtue than something that would fit this context.

A celui qui console

Time dulls the most exquisite emotions and softens the most heart-rending grief; the story is told of a philosopher who sought to console a woman in distress by the account of tribulations akin to hers, and upon losing his only son was sent by her a list of kings similarly bereaved. He read it, acknowledged its correctness, but wept none the less. Three months later the philosopher and the lady were surprised to find one another quite gay, and they erected a fine statue to Time, with the inscription: A celui qui console. (312)
This is a summary of Les deux consolés by Voltaire. It is reminiscent of the little story of the Eastern King that Maugham told in Of Human Bondage (1915). I am being anachronic, of course. Sort of like a flash fiction, compact and nicely told.

There are other references to music, books, and authors, but they are obvious and I don't include them here.
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How to cite this:

Mrs. Craddock, First Edition, at AbeBooks
Mrs. Craddock, New and Revised Edition, at Abebooks

* Lerner, Fred. The Story of Libraries from the Invention of Writing to the Computer Age. New York: Continuum, 1998. 143.
