Gods of Modern Grub Street - W. Somerset Maugham

Adcock & Hoppé - Gods of Modern Grub Street 1923 - W. Somerset Maugham
Adcock & Hoppé - Gods of Modern Grub Street 1923
W. Somerset Maugham

Adcock, A. St. John, and Hoppé E. O. "William Somerset Maugham." Gods of Modern Grub Street. Impressions of Contemporary Authors. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1923. 213–9.

This is a book of essays by Arthur St. John Adcock (1864–1930), editor of The Bookman, novelist, poet, critic, journalist, lawyer by training, quite a versatile man though he advised against the diffusiveness of talents in others.

As early criticism of Maugham, it is of much interest to see how he was evaluated, how he was seen in his time by contemporary authority.

Adcock isn't amused by the Renaissance man; he likes his authors focussed, which is a preoccupying argument in different fields through many centuries: "they are all sorts of things to all sorts of readers and nothing in particular in any" (213).

A. St. John Adcock in 1920s
A. St. John Adcock in 1920s
National Portrait Gallery

This is fair enough. Those who explore the wider field of diverse things are conveniently termed "amateurs," and we all know, only experts count.

Adcock may have to withdraw his words when he writes: "You may say that Somerset Maugham is versatile; but he has written no verse, no essays, no criticism, no tales for children" (213).

I know it is unfair since I have time in my hand. I feel like a character in Back to the Future. Maugham has written essays (superb ones that undergraduates should study if only for the style), criticism, and one tale for children, and he was successful in them, to a certain extent, since I know although no one would disagree that he writes one hell of a good essay, they may dispute about the criticism (specialized, territorial thing), and as for children, he wrote only one and children's literature is a whole different concept now.

The problem with writing about living authors is that you can't really tell what's going to happen. Too many factors to consider. Of course, as always, you can look like a fool, unless you're like me. Well, I am not talking about living writer in the first place; I little care about what other people think about Maugham; I am not making money out of this; and the only things I want are that you read Maugham's works and in these days, to make an accurate record of his works, for whatever future we are facing with information overload, weeding out inaccuracies for an author I care about.

Adcock does appreciate Maugham's humour:
Happily he has a sense of humor which prevents him from adopting anything in the nature of a pose; but, however unassuming, he is not diffident; he is without affectations, and assure me once he was without ideals, by which I believe he meant no more than that he was not too idealistic to be a practical man. (214)

Adcock appears to know Maugham personally and quotes him from private conversation. One is particularly interesting:
Briefly, he protested that his one aim as novelist or dramatist was to amuse; he thought that was the first business of all authors, adding, "I would excuse almost anything but dullness." No book fails because its literary quality is too high, but because the writer who can write literature does not always know how to write it interestingly. (215)

Yet there are some contestable accuracies, if we are to trust Maugham himself and his biographers, that "[h]is family wished him to study medicine, and he yielded to that wish, but his own ambition from the first had been to write for the stage" (215–6).

Adcock goes on to trace Maugham's development and when he comes to Mrs. Craddock, he writes:
The study of that elemental, passionate, intensely female creature, Mrs. Craddock, is an aggressively candid, extraordinarily subtle essay in feminine psychology; her story is touched with satire and irony and inevitably clouded with tragedy, wherefore the general reader, who prefers pleasanter things, did not take it kindly. (218)

I have a smile on my face when I read this. I happen to be rereading Mrs. Craddock (1902) right now, and I agree with Adcock about the "passionate, intensely female creature," but I am not so sure about the "elemental." Then, on the other hand, who can say anything about "feminine psychology" but a female? That is patronizing. I am afraid that is one area that men are at a disadvantage.

The essay seems to end mid-way. It concludes that Maugham is to be reckoned with as a playwright, who deals with themes that move the public away from Victorian reservations. We have to remember that it was published in 1923, when some of Maugham's important works were still to come.

Yet, even if we take away the element of hindsight and give Adcock some leeway as to the year of composition, let's say he wrote this in 1921, by that time Maugham already had Of Human Bondage (1915) and The Moon and Sixpence (1919) sitting matronly on the shelves; then there was The Circle (1921), the collection The Trembling of a Leaf (1921), even The Land of the Blessed Virgin (1905), a non fiction.

The question naturally is why they were overlooked. From what I can find so far, there was no earlier edition of this collection of essays.

Adcock doesn't define his meaning of "Modern Grub Street"; one would imagine perhaps a fancy Quartier latin with bohemian writers turning stout and bourgeois. But I gather from the illustrious list of (some) writers that Maugham is put with, he should have nothing to complain about. Bottomline we know now that this well-circulated portrait is by E. O. Hoppé.
E.O. Hoppé - W. Somerset Maugham
W. Somerset Maugham by E. O. Hoppé

The other gods are: Thomas Hardy, Hilarie Belloc, Arnold Bennett, John Davys Beresford, John Buchan, Donn Byrne, William Henry Davies, Walter de la Mare, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, John Drinkwater, Jeffery Farnol, John Galsworthy, Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, Arthur Stuart Menteth Hutchinson, Sheila Kaye-Smith, Rudyard Kipling, William John Locke, Stephen McKenna, Compton MacKenzie, John Masefield, Alfred Edward Woodley Mason, William Babington Maxwell, Leonard Merrick, Alan Alexander Milne, Alfred Noyes, E. Philips Oppenheim, May Sinclair, Frank Swinnerton, Hugh Walpole, Herbert George Wells, Israel Zangwill.

The contemporary review of this book is curious: "It is a book of the kind we read with interest and feel ashamed of reading" (The Spectator, 29 Sept. 1923: 23). I wonder what went through Adcock's mind when he read it while having his bacon and eggs?

The book can be downloaded from Internet Archive.

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How to cite this:

Gods of Modern Grub Street at AbeBooks


  1. Great find! I like that you want there to be an accurate record of his works. I hope I contribute to that goal at least a little, tiny bit.


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