100 Years of Of Human Bondage
This is a video created for the occasion of the 100th anniversary of W. Somerset Maugham’s most well-known book, Of Human Bondage.
It was first published on 12 August 1915 by Heinemann, in the midst of WWI. The reason why I release the video early instead of spending a few more months to collate information (this is the type of project that never ends) is because I cherish the hope that Google may decide to dedicate a Doodle for Maugham, which is sorely missed. Last year I submitted a request for Maugham’s 140th birthday, but it was overlooked even though the day was not occupied by another one.
I know, as one hears very often nowadays for everything, each day Google receives hundreds of requests, etc.
Nevertheless, I am hoping that if you like the video or if you like Maugham’s books, together we may persuade Google to make a Doodle for our author on 12 August.
Google accepts proposal at: proposals@google.com
Okay, plead aside.
This project was conceived eight months ago. I am fully aware of its defects and I have encountered many difficulties. However, I think I have succeeded in making my point: Of Human Bondage is still widely read and it is being published every year somewhere in the world (except during the war years, 1916–1918 and 1941, 1921–1924, and 1926, but my cataloguing is by no means complete).
My difficulties are manifold. Firstly, it is a one-man job, though full of love it lacks any other type of support and resources.
I am told, academically (and admittedly, not in so many plain words, but I get the picture), that Maugham is but a footnote in Twentieth-Century British Literature, worthy enough only for discussions such as some old-age diseases, unlike Virginia Woolf or T. S. Eliot.
Not that I put too much weight on such opinions, coming from dubious kind of authority sanctioned by hundreds of years of blind tradition rather than by any type of intrinsic merit.
But that is what there is. No support on that side.
I would have loved to have in my hands every single book listed, whether having the book come to me or I to them, to examine them, register them individually and faithfully, but I have only my passion, devotion, energy, and time (I can always sleep a few hours less) to contend with. No grant or silver coins.
So, I depend on library catalogues, descriptions of booksellers and readers, and the photos they provide, which, very often than not, more detailed information is lacking.
Some publishers are listed differently in the catalogues consulted and I am only able to eliminate repetitions of the ones of languages more familiar to me. I have not been able to list reprints from same years, so the list is only of a very conservative guess.
There are languages that are simply way over my head even with the help of all the translation resources that I can get, and I regret that I cannot list them.
In a hundred years since the first publication of Of Human Bondage, it has been printed at least 494 times.
The list does not include books in the printed on demand category or audio books. I have mixed feelings about ebooks, especially since Of Human Bondage belongs to the public domain, because then the editions of ebooks can hardly reflect the actual demand of the novel. However, I am aware that it is possible that some of the books listed in more recent years may be ebooks or a simultaneous publication of paper and ebook formats.
I do list collected/complete works which include Of Human Bondage when I come across them.
On the list are also the two editions of Of Human Bondage With a Digression on the Art of Fiction, which I consider pertinent to include, the abridged versions of the novel, and an edition of it retold by someone else (if that is ever possible...).
As for books with incomplete information at the end of the list, I only count the ones that are unlikely repetitions of those already registered. One of them looks suspiciously like an audio book, which I keep on the list, unnumbered but with photo.
I do wish I could have more consistent quality reproductions of the covers, but at the moment I am going to make do with what I have.
Any correction or addition is more than welcomed.
Happy Birthday, Willie!
Finally, the reason I choose today as deadline for my project is because it is also intended for the celebration of Maugham’s birthday, 25 January 1874.
Maugham writes about his seventieth birthday:
My own birthday passed without ceremony. I worked as usual in the morning and in the afternoon went for a walk in the solitary woods behind my house. I have never been able to discover what it is that gives these woods their mysterious attractiveness. They are like no woods I have ever known. Their silence seems more intense than any other silence. The live oaks with their massive foliage are festooned with the grey of the Spanish moss as if with a ragged shroud, the gum trees at this season are bare of leaf and the clustered berries of the wild China tree are dried and yellow; here and there tall pines, their rich green flaming, tower over the lower trees. There is a strangeness about these bedraggled, abandoned woods, and though you walk alone you do not feel alone, for you have an eerie feeling that unseen beings, neither human nor inhuman, flutter about you. A shadowy something seems to slink from behind a tree trunk and watch you silently as you pass. There is a sense of suspense as though all about you there were a lying in wait for something to come.There is a quiet sense of pathos and its stoic acceptance that one sometimes finds in a certain combination of musical notes.
I went back to my house, made myself a cup of tea and read till dinner time. After dinner I read again, played two or three games of patience, listened to the news on the radio and took a detective story to bed with me. I finished it and went to sleep. Except for a few words to my coloured maids I had not spoken to a soul all day.
So I passed my seventieth birthday and so I would have wished to pass it. I mused. (A Writer’s Notebook, London: Heinemann, 1949, 336)
Though many years late, I am sure many readers would still like to commemorate Maugham’s birthday.
This video is a celebration for one who has given hours of pleasure and solace to many generations who have come after him, whom he never knew. Please do leave a comment if you like it.
Of Human Bondage in Different Languages:
- عبودية الإنسان, أغلال الإنسانية (Arabic – Ar.)
- Души в окови (Bulgarian – Bu.)
- De la servitud humana (Catalan – Cat.)
- 人生的枷锁 (Chinese – Ch.)
- O údělu člověka (Czech – Cz.)
- Livets lænker (Danish – Da.)
- Gekluisterde levens (Dutch – Du.)
- Inimorjusest (Estonian – Est.)
- Elämän kahle (Finnish – Fi.)
- Servitude humaine / L’ange pervers (French – Fr.)
- Der Menschen Hörigkeit (German – Ger.)
- Ανθρώπινη Δουλεία (Greek – Gr.)
- בכבלי אנוש (Hebrew – He.)
- Örök szolgaság (Hungarian – Hu.)
- Fjötrar (Icelandish – Ic.)
- Schiavo d’amore (Italian – It.)
- 人間の絆 (Japanese – Jp.)
- 인간의 굴레 / 人間의 굴레 (Korean – Ko.)
- Cilvēcisko kaislību jūgs (Latvian – Lat.)
- Aistrų našta (Lithuanian – Lit.)
- Livets lenker (Norwegian – Nor.)
- پیرامون اسارت بشری / پایبندیهای انسانی (Persian – Per.)
- W niewoli uczuć (Polish – Po.)
- Servidão humana (Portuguese – Pt.)
- Robie (Romanian – Ro.)
- Бремя Страстей Человеческих (Russian – Ru.)
- Človeške vezi (Slovenian – Sl.)
- Servidumbre humana (Spanish – Sp.)
- Människans slaveri (Swedish – Swe.)
- Hayatın Esiriyiz / Şehvet Düşkünü / Hayat Hüzünleri (Turkish – Tu.)
- Kiếp người (Vietnamese – Vi.)
Editions and Reprints of Of Human Bondage
A few explanations of the list. It is organized by year. Some of them are marked with copyright date only because that is how they are listed in the catalogues consulted and without examining them, it is impossible to say what the actual publication year is, the same with those with uncertain year.
The books in translation are in brackets with indication of their corresponding languages.
[Updated total count of editions as on 30 September 2015: 495]
- George H. Doran, 12 August 1915
- William Heinemann, 13 August 1915
- S.B. Gundy, Toronto, 1915
- Doubleday, Doran & Co., ©1915
- Modern Library, ©1915
- The Murray Hill Library, ©1915
- Doran, 1919
- Garden City Publishing Company, 1919
- Bantam, 1920
- P.F. Collier & Son Corp., 1925
- George H. Doran, 1927?
- Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1928
- Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1929?
- Heinemann, 1929
- Modern Library, 1930
- Modern Library, ca 1930
- Heinemann, 1931
- Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1932
- Garden City Publishing Company, 1933
- Heinemann, 1933
- Livros do Brasil, 1933 (Pt.)
- Grosset & Dunlap, ca 1934
- Heinemann, 1934
- Garden City Publishing Company, 1934
- Heinemann, 1935
- Limited Editions Club, 1935
- Modern Library, 1935
- Doubleday, Doran & Co. (illustrated), 1936
- Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1936
- Heinemann, 1936
- International Collectors Library, 1936
- The Sun Dial Press, 1936
- J.G. Ferguson, ©1936
- Heinemann, 1937
- The Literary Guild, 1937
- The Sun Dial Press, 1937
- Les Éditions de France, 1937 (Fr.)
- Les Éditions de Paris, 1937 (Fr.)
- Les Éditions de Paris, ©1937 (Fr.)
- Bárd, 1937 (Hu.)
- Easton Press, 1938
- Heinemann, 1938
- Limited Editions Club, 1938 [illustrated]
- Rascher, 1938 (Ger.)
- Garden City Publishing Company, 1939
- Rascher, 1939 (Ger.)
- Garden City Publishing Company, 1940
- Modern Library, ©1940
- Bárd, 1940 (Hu.)
- Mondadori, 1940. (It.)
- Globo, 1940. (Pt.)
- Heinemann, 1942
- Modern Library, 1942
- Modern Library, ©1942
- Mondadori, 1942 (It.)
- Kbh, 1942 (Da.)
- Nobel, 1942 (Pt.)
- Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1943
- Zephyr Books, ©1943
- Bonniers, 1943 (Swe.)
- М. Г. Смрикаров, 1944 (Bu.)
- Globo, 1944 (Pt.)
- Zig-Zag, 1944 (Sp.)
- Bonniers, 1944 (Swe.)
- Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1945
- Modern Library, 1945
- The Sun Dial Press, 1945
- Zephyr Books, 1945
- Les Éditions de Paris, 1945 (Fr.)
- Mondadori, 1945 (It.)
- Lara, 1945 (Sp.)
- The Library of Congress, 1946 [With A Digression of the Art of Fiction]
- Les Éditions de Paris, 1946 (Fr.)
- Οι Φίλοι Του Βιβλίου, 1946 (Gr.)
- Lara, 1946 (Sp.)
- Zig-zag, 1946 (Sp.)
- Doubleday & Co., after 1946, ©1936
- Modern Library, 1947
- Zephyr Books, 1947
- Les Éditions de Paris, 1947 (Fr.)
- Globo, 1947 (Pt.)
- Heinemann, 1948
- Modern Library 1948
- Les Éditions de Paris, 1948 (Fr.)
- Prentsmiðja Austurlands, 1948 (Ic.)
- Lara, 1948 (Sp.)
- Zephyr Books, 1949
- Les Éditions de Paris, 1949 (Fr.)
- s.n., 1949. (Pt.)
- Zig-Zag, 1949 (Sp.)
- Semih Lütfi Kitabevi, 1949 (Tu.)
- Pocket Books, 1950 [abridged]
- Desch, 1950 (Ger.)
- Rascher, 1950 (Ger.)
- José Janés, 1950 (Sp.)
- Heinemann, 1951
- Mondadori, 1951 (It.)
- Heinemann, 1952
- Pocket Books, 1952 [abridged]
- ש’ פרידמן, 1952 (He.)
- 三笠書房, 1952 (Jp.)
- Pocket Books, 1953 [abridged]
- 三笠書房, 1953 (Jp.)
- 香港萬象書店, 1953 (Ch.)
- 新潮社, 1953 (Jp.)
- Gyldendal, 1953 (Nor.)
- Doubleday & Co., 1954 [Mr. Maugham Himself]
- Club du Livre Sélectionné, 1954 (Fr.)
- Rascher, 1954 (Ger.)
- 新潮社, 1954 (Jp.)
- Amereon, 1955
- Modern Library, 1955
- Globo, 1955 (Pt.)
- Bonnier, 1955 (Swe.)
- Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi, 1955 (Tu.)
- Heinemann, 1956
- Modern Library, 1956
- Pocket Books, 1956 [abridged]
- Vintage, 1956
- 新潮社, 1957 (Jp.)
- Czytelnik, 1957 (Po.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1957 (Pt.)
- Pocket Books, 1958 [abridged]
- Otava, 1958 (Fi.)
- Mondadori, 1958 (It.)
- José Janés, 1958 (Sp.)
- Modern Library, 1959
- Vintage, 1959
- F.G. Kroonder, 1959 (Du.)
- Fisher Bücherel, 1959 (Ger.)
- 新潮社, 1959 (Jp.)
- Издательство иностранной литературы, 1959 (Ru.)
- Cankarjeva založba, 1959 (Sl.)
- G.P., 1959 (Sp.)
- Zig-Zag, ©1959 (Sp.)
- Τυπ. Δεληδημήτρη, 195? (Gr.)
- Doubleday & Co., 1960
- International Collectors Library, 1960
- Les Éditions de Paris, 1960 (Fr.)
- Club International du Livre, ca 1960 (Fr.)
- Bertelsmann Lesering, 1960 (Ger.)
- Buchgemeinschaft Donauland, ca 1960 (Ger.)
- Fisher Bücherel, 1960 (Ger.)
- 新潮社 1960 (Jp.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1960 (Pt.)
- Plaza & Janés, 1960 (Sp.)
- Heinemann, 1961
- Modern Library, 1961
- Pocket Books, 1961 [abridged]
- Penguin, 1961
- Vintage, 1961
- ש' פרידמן, 1961 (He.)
- 角川書店 1961, (Jp.)
- Plaza & Janés, 1961 (Sp.)
- Pocket Books, 1962 [abridged]
- Bertelsmann Lesering, 1962 (Ger.)
- Plaza & Janés, 1962 (Sp.)
- International Collectors Library, 1963
- Modern Library, 1963
- Penguin, 1963
- Pocket Books, 1963 [abridged]
- Mondadori, 1963 (It.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1963 (Pt.)
- G.P., 1963 (Sp.)
- Türkiye Yayınevi, 1963 (Tu.)
- Pocket Books, 1964
- SNKLU, 1964 (Cz.)
- F.G. Kroonder, 1964 (Du.)
- Hachette, 1964 (Fr.)
- 河出書房新社 1964 (Jp.)
- Círculo de Lectores, 1964 (Sp.)
- Plaza & Janés, 1964 (Sp.)
- Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi, 1964 (Tu.)
- Pocket Books, 1965 [abridged]
- Penguin, 1965
- Mondadori, 1965 (It.)
- 靑樹社, 1965 (Ko.)
- J.G. Ferguson, 1966
- Pocket Books, 1966 [abridged]
- Rascher, 1966 (Ger.)
- 集英社 1966 (Jp.)
- Plaza & Janés, 1966 (Sp.)
- Heron, 1967
- Modern Library, 1967
- Pocket Books, 1967
- 新潮社, 1967 (Jp.)
- 河出書房, 1967 (Jp.)
- Zig-Zag, 1967 (Sp.)
- Heron, 1968
- Penguin, 1968
- Pocket Books, 1968 [abridged]
- 河出書房, 1968 (Ch.)
- 新潮社, 1968 (Jp.)
- Planeta, 1968 (Sp.)
- Penguin, 1969
- Pocket Books, 1969 [abridged]
- Europaclub, 1969 (Du.)
- Európa Könyvkiadó, 1969 (Hu.)
- Vaga, 1969 (Lit.)
- Círculo de Lectores, 1969 (Sp.)
- G.P., 1969 (Sp.)
- Planeta, 1969 (Sp.)
- Doubleday, 1970
- International Collectors Library, 1970
- Penguin, 1970
- Pocket Books, 1970 [abridged]
- Hachette, 1970 (Fr.)
- Bertelsmann Lesering, 1970 (Ger.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1970 (Pt.)
- Minerva, 1970 (Ro.)
- G.P., 1970 (Sp.)
- Pocket Books, 1971 [abridged]
- Folcroft Library Editions, 1971 [With A Digression on the Art of Fiction]
- Hachette, 1971 (Fr.)
- Διεθνής Λέσχη Βιβλίου, 1971 (Gr.)
- Πάπυρος, 1971 (Gr.)
- 齊文出版社, 1971 (Ko.)
- Abril, 1971 (Pt.)
- Penguin, 1972
- Pocket Books, 1972 [abridged]
- Macmillan, 1972 [Retold by Margery Green]
- Ex Libris, 1972 (Fi.)
- Diogenes, 1972 (Ger.)
- Európa Könyvkiadó, 1972 (Hu.)
- Euroclub, 1972 (It.)
- Mondadori, 1972 (It.)
- 學園社, 1972 (Ko.)
- 靑樹社, 1972 (Ko.)
- 大洋出版社, 1972 (Ko.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1972 (Pt.)
- Rodas, 1972 (Sp.)
- Zig-Zag, 1972 (Sp.)
- Pan, 1973
- Pocket Books, 1973 [abridged]
- 創元社, 1973 (Ko.)
- 東西文化社, 1973 (Ko.)
- 弘新文化社, 1973 (Ko.)
- Livros do Brasil. 1973 (Pt.)
- G.P., 1973 (Sp.)
- Bokfrämjandet, 1973 (Swe.)
- Altın Kitaplar, 1973 (Tu.)
- Mondadori, 1974 (It.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1974 (Pt.)
- Clube Port. do Livro e do Disco, 1974 (Pt.)
- Rodas, 1974 (Sp.)
- Pan, 1975
- Pocket Books, 1975 [abridged]
- Da Zhongguo tu shu gong si, 1975 (Ch.)
- Edito, 1975 (Da.)
- Diogenes, 1975 (Ger.)
- Garzanti, 1975 (It.)
- Mondadori, 1975 (It.)
- 三中堂, 1975 (Ko.)
- Czytelnik, 1975 (Po.)
- Globo, 1975 (Pt.)
- Forum, 1975 (Swe.)
- Türkiye Yayınevi, 1975 (Tu.)
- Pan, 1976
- Pocket Books, 1976 [abridged]
- Libertas, 1976 (Cz.)
- 文學出版社, 1976 (Ko.)
- 東西文化社, 1976 (Ko.)
- Den norske bokklubben, 1976 (Nor.)
- Картя Молдовеняскэ , 1976 (Ru.)
- Güven Yayınevi, 1976 (Tu.)
- Ülkü basım yayın ticaret A.Ş, 1976 (Tu.)
- Beaufort Books, 1977
- Easton Press, 1977
- Heinemann, 1977
- Folcroft Library Editions, 1977 [With A Digression on the Art of Fiction]
- 陽地堂, 1977 (Ko.)
- 東西文化社, 1977 (Ko.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1977 (Pt.)
- Penguin, 1978
- 遠景, 1978 (Ch.)
- 裕林堂, 1978 (Ko.)
- 陽地堂, 1978 (Ko.)
- 平凡社, 1978 (Ko.)
- Euroclub, 1978 (It.)
- G.P., 1978 (Sp.)
- Pan, 1979
- Penguin, 1979
- 遠景出版社, 1979 (Ch.)
- Euroclub, 1979 (It.)
- 新文出版社, 1979 (Ko.)
- 三志社, 1979 (Ko.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1979 (Pt.)
- Ülkü basım yayın ticaret A.Ş, 1979 (Tu.)
- International Collectors Library 1980
- Pan Books, 1980
- Σμυρνιωτη, 1980 (Gr.)
- 河出書房新社, 1980 (Jp.)
- Círculo de Leitores, 1980 (Pt.)
- Pan, 1981
- Penguin, 1981
- Moewig, 1981 (Ger.)
- 韓英出版社, 1981 (Ko.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1981 (Pt.)
- Pan, 1982
- Diogenes, 1982 (Ger.)
- 마당, 1982 (Ko.)
- 主友, 1982 (Ko.)
- 三省堂, 1982 (Ko.)
- 博文書館, 1982 (Ko.)
- Abril, 1982 (Pt.)
- Circulo do Livro, 1982 (Pt.)
- Círculo de Lectores, 1982 (Sp.)
- Anıt Yayınları, 1982 (Tu.)
- Pan, 1983
- Penguin, 1983
- Народна култура, 1983 (Bu.)
- 江苏人民出版社, 1983 (Ch.)
- 湖南人民出版社, 1983 (Ch.)
- C.N., 1983 (Ch.)
- 마당문고사, 1983 (Ko.)
- 學園出版公社, 1983 (Ko.)
- 금성출판사, 1983 (Ko.)
- 金星出版社, 1983 (Ko.)
- 主友, 1983 (Ko.)
- Penguin, 1984
- 江苏人民出版社, 1984 (Ch.)
- 遠景, 1984 (Ch.)
- 志文, 1984 (Ch.)
- Moewig, 1984 (Ger.)
- 삼중당, 1984 (Ko.)
- Mondadori, 1984 (It.)
- Livros de Brasil, 1984. (Pt.)
- Лениздат, 1984 (Ru.)
- G.P., 1984 (Sp.)
- Seix Barral, 1984 (Sp.)
- Penguin, 1985
- Globo, 1985 (Pt.)
- Andrés Bello, 1985 (Sp.)
- Orbis, 1985 (Sp.)
- Seix Barral, 1985 (Sp.)
- Penguin, 1986
- Proa, 1986 (Cat.)
- 江苏人民出版社 1986 (Ch.)
- Diogenes, 1986 (Ger.)
- הוצאת זמורה ביתן, 1986 (He.)
- 三省堂, 1986 (Ko.)
- 일신서적공사, 1986 (Ko.)
- 汎韓出版社, 1986 (Ko.)
- YBM Sisa, 1986 (Ko.)
- Círculo do Livro, 1986 (Pt.)
- Marshall Cavendish, 1987
- Penguin, 1987
- 시사영어사, 1987 (Ko.)
- 中央文化社, 1987 (Ko.)
- Globo, 1987 (Pt.)
- Marshall Cavendish, 1988
- Penguin, 1988
- Mondadori, 1988 (It.)
- 學園社, 1988 (Ko.)
- Círculo do Livro, 1988 (Pt.)
- Мастацкая литература, 1988 (Ru.)
- Orbis, 1988 (Sp.)
- 문학출판사, 1989 (Ko.)
- Mandarin, 1990
- Julliard, 1990 (Fr.)
- 金星出版社, 1990 (Ko.)
- Bantam, 1991
- Signet, 1991
- 하서출판사, 1991 (Ko.)
- 민예사, 1991 (Ko.)
- 예지원, 1991 (Ko.)
- 신원문화사, 1991 (Ko.)
- Правда, 1991 (Ru.)
- Худож. лит., 1991 (Ru.)
- Пер., 1991 (Ru.)
- Zig Zag, 1991 (Sp.)
- Mandarin, 1992
- Penguin, 1992
- Diogenes, 1992 (Ger.)
- Mondadori, 1992 (It.)
- 홍신문화사, 1992 (Ko.)
- 韓國圖書出版中央會, 1992 (Ko.)
- 一信書籍出版社, 1992 (Ko.)
- Liesma, 1992 (Lat.)
- Miron, 1992 (Ro.)
- Mandarin, 1993
- 하서출판사, 1993 (Ko.)
- Plaza & Janés, 1993 (Sp.)
- 業強, 1994 (Ch.)
- 志文, 1994 (Ch.)
- 書華出版事業有限公司, 1994 (Ch.)
- 학원사, 1994 (Ko.)
- Varpas, 1994 (Lit.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1994. (Pt.)
- Văn học, 1994 (Vi.)
- Newton, 1995 (It.)
- 여명출판사, 1995 (Ko.)
- 한성미디어, 1995 (Ko.)
- 성도문화사, 1995 (Ko.)
- Борисфен , 1995 (Ru.)
- Orbis, 1995 (Sp.)
- 上海译文出版社, 1996 (Ch.)
- Omnibus, 1996 (Fr.)
- Diogenes, 1996 (Ger.)
- 上海译文出版社, 1997 (Ch.)
- Éditions 10/18, 1997 (Fr.)
- Diogenes, 1997 (Ger.)
- Mondadori, 1997 (It.)
- Prószyński i S-ka, 1997 (Po.)
- Porrúa, 1997 (Sp.)
- Văn học, 1997 (Vi.)
- 민음사, 1998 (Ko.)
- Mondadori, 1998 (It.)
- نشر چشمه , 1998 (Per.)
- Easton Press, 1999
- Modern Library, 1999
- 上海译文出版社, 1999 (Ch.)
- Livros do Brasil, 1999 (Pt.)
- Терра - Книжный клуб , 1999 (Ru.)
- Vintage, 2000
- Vintage, ©2000
- 樂山, 2000 (Ch.)
- Diogenes, 2000 (Ger.)
- DeAgostini Hellas, 2000 (Gr.)
- NXB Văn nghệ Tp.HCM, 2000 (Vi.)
- Easton Press, 2001
- Penguin Books, 2001
- 岩波書店, 2001 (Jp.)
- 대산출판사, 2001 (Ko.)
- 한국뉴턴, 2001 (Ko.)
- Debate, 2001 (Sp.)
- Canopus, 2002 (Est.)
- 뉴턴코리아, 2002 (Ko.)
- ЭКСМО-пресс, 2002 (Ru.)
- DeBolsillo, 2002 (Sp.)
- Público, 2003 (Pt.)
- Easton Press, 2004
- 暢談國際文化, 2004 (Ch.)
- 하서출판사, 2004 (Ko.)
- Эксмо, 2004 (Ru.)
- ACT, 2004 (Ru.)
- Aguilar, 2004 (Sp.)
- DeBolsillo, 2004 (Sp.)
- Santillana, 2004 (Sp.)
- Easton Press, 2005
- Random House, 2005
- Holnap Kiadó Kft, 2005 (Hu.)
- 종로학원, 2005 (Ko.)
- 삼성비엔씨, 2005 (Ko.)
- Globo, 2005 (Pt.)
- АСТ, 2005 (Ru.)
- DeBolsillo, 2005 (Sp.)
- Aguilar, 2005 (Sp.)
- Bantam, 2006
- Barnes & Noble, 2006
- Chamberlain Bro. / Signet, 2006
- Signet, 2006
- Newton, 2006 (It.)
- ACT, 2006 (Ru.)
- Barnes & Noble, 2007
- Signet, 2007
- 桂冠圖書股份有限公司, 2007 (Ch.)
- Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2007 (Ch.)
- Tsai Fong Books, 2007 (Ch.)
- Aldephi, 2007 (It.)
- 新潮社, 2007 (Jp.)
- Alma littera, 2007 (Lit.)
- ACT, 2007 (Ru.)
- Хранитель, 2007 (Ru.)
- Polirom, 2008 (Ro.)
- ACT, 2008 (Ru.)
- Barnes & Noble, 2009
- المؤسسة العربية الحديثة, 2009 (Ar.)
- ASA, 2009. (Pt.)
- ACT, 2009 (Ru.)
- Vintage, 2010
- Diogenes, 2010 (Ger.)
- DeBolsillo, 2010 (Sp.)
- Porrúa, 2010 (Sp.)
- RBA, 2010 (Sp.)
- ACT, 2010 (Ru.)
- Folio Society, 2011
- 上海译文出版社, 2011 (Ch.)
- Dong Seomunhwasa, 2011 (Ko.)
- 동서문화사, 2011 (Ko.)
- ASA, 2011 (Pt.)
- ACT, 2011 (Ru.)
- Bookaholic Club, 2011 (Vi.)
- Adelphi, 2012 (It.)
- グーテンベルク21, 2012 (Jp.)
- ASA, 2012 (Pt.)
- Plaza & Janés, 2012 (Sp.)
- R.B.A., 2012 (Sp.)
- Diogenes, 2012 (Ger.)
- 江苏文艺出版社, 2013 (Ch.)
- ASA, 2013 (Pt.)
- ACT, 2013 (Ru.)
- АСТ, 2014 (Ru.)
- شركة الإعلانات الشرقية, n.d. (Ar.)
- Shanghai Translation Publishing House, n.d. (Ch.)
- F.G. Kroonder, n.d. (Du.)
- Unieboek, n.d. (Du.)
- Διεθνείς Εκδοσεις, n.d. (Gr.)
- Σμυρνιωτής, n.d. (Gr.)
- دبیر, n.d. (Per.)
- s.n., n.d.
- s.n., n.d. (Per.)
- Globo, n.d. (Pt.)
- Nobel, n.d. (Pt.)
- s.n., n.d., (Ru.)
Catalogues Consulted
- The British Library
- A Catalogue of the Collection of Norman F. Moore
- Indiana University’s Online Library Catalog
- Library of Congress
- Rothschild, Loren, and Deborah Whiteman, eds. William Somerset Maugham. A Catalogue of the Loren & Frances Rothchild Collection of Manuscripts, Letters, Printed Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals, Art and Ephemera By and Relating to William Somerset Maugham Collection. Los Angeles: Heritage Book Shop, 2001.
- Standford University Libraries
- Stott, Raymond Toole. A Bibliography of the Works of W. Somerset Maugham. London: Kaye & Ward, 1973.
- Национална Библиотека на Република България
- Biblioteca de Catalunya
- Catàleg Col·lectiu de les Universitats de Catalunya
- 香港中文大學圖書館
- 香港公共圖書館
- The University of Hong Kong Library
- 中国国家图书馆
- 中国高等教育文献保障系统
- 國立臺灣圖書館
- 國立臺灣大學圖書館
- Národní knihovna ČR
- Masarykova Univerzita
- Det Kongelige Bibliotek
- Syddansk Universitet
- Koninklijke Bibliotheek
- Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu
- Frank Samsökning
- Nationalbiblioteket Finna
- Bibliothèque Nacional de France
- Henry, William H., Jr. A French Bibliography of W. Somerset Maugham. Virginia: The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1967.
- Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
- Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος
- Συλλογικος Καταλογος
- הספרייה הלאומית
- Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
- Landsbókasafn Íslands - Háskólabókasafn
- Borgarbókasafn Reykjavíkur
- Patten, Nathan Van. “Icelandic Translations of Maugham.” Bibliographical Society of America 45 (1951): 158–9.
- Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma
- Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
- Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna
- MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano
- 国立国会図書館
- 국립중앙도서관
- Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka
- Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka
- Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka
- Universitetsbiblioteket
- Biblioteka Narodowa
- Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
- Fundação Biblioteca Nacional
- Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Carol I”
- Biblioteca Naţională a României
- Национальная Библиотека Беларуси
- Российская Государственная Библиотека
- Virtualna Knjižnica Slovenije
- Biblioteca Nacional de la República Argentina
- Biblioteca Nacional de Chile
- Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias
- Biblioteca Nacional de España
- Biblioteca Nacional de Uruguay
- Kungl Biblioteket
- Milli Kütüphane Başkanlığı
- Thư Viện Quốc Gia Việt Nam
- Thư Viện Trung Tâm
- AbeBooks
- Amazon
- Ebay
- Goodreads
- Library Thing
- Open Library
How to cite this:
Wow. This. Is. Impressive. Must have taken a lot of time and effort. Way more comprehensive than my meagre illustrated attempt. You've even included the (pretty obscure) edition in my native language. There's nothing I can add.
ReplyDeleteBy way of uncanny coincidence, I was thinking of this centenary yesterday. Good time to re-read the novel and finally compare it to the abridged version, something I've wanted to do for quite some time.
PS Of course, I must inquire about the music used in the video. What is it?
Thanks for the comment! Glad that you like it.
DeleteI wonder about the retold version too; didn't know about it until checking all this out.
Anyway, if you come across others or find any mistake, please let me know. It would be interesting to keep building the list.
As for the music I have at the very beginning Sonate B-dur Allegro (Wagner), just a few notes and then move on to Große Sonate A-dur Allegro (Wagner). After that I get to Debussy's Deux Arabesques Andantino, then Bach's Prelude and Fugue in C Major; finally end it with Satie's Gnossiennes 4ème.
It's great fun doing it and I already have some ideas for next year. Today I got some comments on the video last year celebrating Maugham's birthday. People are reading him and remember him.
Is it Bulgarian that you speak? How many languages do you know? You are going to be on my expert list for more consultations.
I see the secret has been discovered, so it's no use hiding it anymore. Yes, it's Bulgarian. Here is a photo of the actual book, alas with sadly torn dust jacket, which introduced me to the novel more years ago than I care to remember. Nowadays only my mother reads it. Introducing me to Maugham is the best thing she ever did.
DeleteI did recognise Debussy, but that was after I posted the comment.
I know only Bulgarian and English, neither of them very well, I'm afraid. I seldom read and never write my native language nowadays, trying to improve my English all the time. But it's difficult.
This is an impressive piece of work! Congratulations for the great effort and creativity.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, Babar!
DeleteSo what is it we should write in our proposal to Google?
ReplyDeleteSince they get so many, they say to put just a line or two of the subject and the date for the Doodle. I doubt if it'll work but it's worth a try. And this year is also Maugham's 50th anniversary of death.
Okay, I did my part. I sent in two separate e-mails from two separate e-mail accounts - one with my old last name, one with my new last name. I put the basics in the subject like you said. This what I wrote in the message body [100th Anniversary of "Of Human Bondage," the novel by W. Somerset Maugham, Aug. 12, 2015. This book continues to sell amazingly well, and is reprinted several times per year.]
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mike. Let's hope.
DeleteThank you for this site and your dedication. I manage a small shop that inherited several volumes from the estate of Tod Browning (film director). He evidently was a fan of Maugham's. I'd like to purchase a bibliography to help with proper identification of a few volumes, especially in tracking down states or information that identifies first impressions. Can you recommend one, please?
ReplyDeleteHi Celeste,
DeleteThanks for visiting my site.
The most complete and authoritative bibliography so far is Stott's, although there are some errors and some items missing. I think you can find most of Maugham's publications there. You can find the bibliographic information of his book here: http://mymaughamcollection.blogspot.com.es/2011/12/bibliography-of-works-of-w-somerset.html
The online catalogue of Norman Moore's collection is also very helpful: http://www.normanmoore.com/wsm/contents.htm
It complements some of the items in Stott.
Otherwise, there is A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Loren & Frances Rothschild William Somerset Collection, again it complements Stott.
If there are only a few volumes, you may like to check out Norman Moore's website first, and if you need more details, certainly get Stott's bibliography, and next would be Rothschild's catalogue.
I certainly wouldn't mind at all to look at my copies if you have some specific books in mind. You can either leave a comment, just let me know if you don't want it published, or send me a message via Google+.