
eLibrary >
Here I will gather information on the appearance of W. Somerset Maugham in person and other videos of interest concerning our author. It will be updated accordingly.




W. Somerset Maugham in Camille (1926)

This is a home made version of Alexandre Dumas fils's Camille by Ralph Barton. Maugham's appearances in this short silent movie are at 23:09 and 30:19. Please read the relevant post, W. Somerset Maugham in Camille, for more information.

Unfortunately this video has been taken down. I am leaving it here because if you have access to it it is well worth watching. And when I can find a new link I will put it up.

Time to Remember - On Stage in the Twenties 1927

Maugham's footage is from 2:45 to 2:53.

Camera Interviews: Mr. Somerset Maugham (26 September 1929)

A most interesting clip featuring Maugham in Villa Mauresque in 1929. This is a silent clip.

Somerset Maugham At Home

This is the same footage as the one above, edited and with voice-over.

News in a Nutshell 1936

Check out the second piece of news! Maugham giving her daughter away in her wedding at Westminster!

Interview with W. Somerset Maugham 1946

This is the unused footage of an interview, showing the retakes; very interesting. The edited interview is the following item.

One Minute News - Interview with W. Somerset Maugham 1946

The first item in the news is the interview with Maugham, followed by others.

W. Somerset Maugham Compilation 1920-1949

A mixture of footage from different period. Some of them are used in his introduction to film version of his short stories. The middle section shows Maugham walking with a group of people, including Alan Searle.

W. Somerset Maugham - On the Relationship between Life and Art

This is taken from the introduction that Maugham gives for the collection Trio/Encore/Quartet.

W. Somerset Maugham in Procession at Oxford University (1952)

Maugham at the ceremony in which Dean Acheson received his honorary degree from Oxford University

W. Somerset Maugham's 80th Birthday (1954)

BBC One Panorama: W. Somerset Maugham

This is an interview of Maugham with Malcolm Muggerich aired at 19:45 on 2 November 1954, lasting for originally 45 minutes. Let's hope one day BBC will publish the whole interview! At the moment, we can only have a glimpse of around 11:30 minutes of it. And there is a catch: it is only available in the UK, or for those who can appear as if they were in the UK....

RetroBites Interview (1958)

The following video is an extract of an interview done by CBC. Maugham answered a few questions about Of Human Bondage. Due to copyright law, it cannot be viewed in all countries. You are lucky if you are in Canada or find ways to appear to be in Canada....

Picasso Jackpot! 1960

Maugham, with Alan Searle, at Sotheby's auction, buying nothing...

W. Somerset Maugham porträtiert von Georg Stefan Troller

This is an interview in German, but midway one will see the Villa Mauresque and an interview with Maugham, in which he read a passage in German. It is wonderful to watch. I wish I understood German!

A Conversation with Somerset Maugham (19 September 1965)

This is a preview of an interview of Maugham with Alan Pryce-Jones, from 8:49 to 10:40. The whole interview lasts for roughly 30 minutes, and is available in some libraries.

W. Somerset Maugham's 140th Birthday

Read the post about the celebration of Maugham's 140th Birthday.

100 Years of Of Human Bondage

Read about the celebration.

Maugham Quiz Game - Trailer

A fun trailer for Maugham Quiz Game.

Maugham Quiz Game

Ready for the challenge?

W. Somerset Maugham's 142nd Birthday - He Reads "The Happy Couple"

Read the post about the celebration of Maugham's 142nd Birthday.

W. Somerset Maugham's 143rd Birthday - Reading "The Three Fat Women of Antibes"

Read the post about the celebration of Maugham's 143rd Birthday.

Suite of East of Suez - Eugène Goossens & Antony Gray

The original scores of the play East of Suez (1922)

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