Criticism and Biographies of Maugham

On this page, I will list available books of criticism and biographies for download or borrowing free of charge of W. Somerset Maugham. Please visit regularly for update.

Criticism and Biographies of Somerset Maugham

Unlike books written by Maugham, the dates listed here are the dates of the versions available, not of the books' first publication. Please click the book covers to download/borrow/read.

Criticism Biographical
Click the book covers to download/borrow/read

When Winter Comes to Main Street (1922)

When Winter Comes to Main Street - Grant Overton By Grant Overton (Doran, 1922). One chapter is on Maugham, which offers an interesting portrait of how Maugham was seen in the '20s. See review

Gods of Modern Grub Street (1923)

Gods of Modern Grub Street - W. Somerset Maugham By A. St. John Adcock and E. O. Hoppé (New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1923). See Review

"Mistreating the Dead in Fiction" (1930)

Mistreating the Dead in Fiction - about Maugham Cakes and Ale By Alec Waugh (The Literary Digest, 8 November 1930). It was miscatalogued by Stott as written by Maugham under the title "Maltreat the Dead in Fiction;" it addresses the controversy surrounding Cakes and Ale when it was published. See more about the Cakes and Ale scandal

A Biography of Edward Marsh (1959)

A Biography of Edward Marsh - Christopher Hassall By Christopher Hassall (Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959). It can also be borrowed from the Open Library. Okay, now, as for your question "What does this have to do with Maugham?" My answer is: "Besides that it's an excellent book on a delightful person, there're many interesting things about Maugham and his writings. Read my post on Edward Marsh."

Somerset Maugham. A Biographical and Critical Study (1961)

Somerset Maugham. A Biographical and Critical Study - Richard Cordell By Richard Cordell (Indiana University Press, 1961). As the title suggests, it is about both Maugham's life and works.

Images of Truth (1962)

Images of Truth - Glenway Wescott By Glenway Wescott (Harper and Row, 1962). See review.

Of Human Bondage Notes (1963)

Of Human Bondage, Cliff Notes By C.K. Hillegass (Cliff's Notes, 1963)

Somerset Maugham: A Guide (1965)

Somerset Maugham. A Guide by L. Brander By L. Brander (Oliver & Boyd, 1965)

Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence and The Razor's Edge (1966)

Somerset Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence and The Razor's Edge - David Gooding By David Gooding (Monarch Press, 1966). I would say it is a sort of Cliff's notes, intended for high school students.

W. Somerset Maugham (1966)

W. Somerset Maugham - M.K. Naik By M. K. Naik (University of Oklahoma Press, 1966). See review.

Somerset and All the Maughams (1967)

Somerset and All the Maughams - Robin Maugham By Robin Maugham (Signet, 1967), Maugham's nephew, a writer himself. See review.

W. Somerset Maugham and the Quest for Freedom (1973)

= By Robert Calder (Doubleday and Company, 1973). This is a book focussed on criticism of Maugham's works. See Review.

W. Somerset Maugham and His World (1977)

W. Somerset Maugham and His World - Frederic Raphael by Frederic Raphael (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977). A biography I would say. See review.

Maugham. A Biography (1980)

Maugham. A Biography - Ted Morgan By Ted Morgan (Touchstone, 1980). A biography, as the title says, and it is also the first one in which the Royal Literary Fund granted permission for directly quoting Maugham's unpublished materials. Thus, in it you will find some of Maugham's letters.

W. Somerset Maugham (1987)

W. Somerset Maugham - Archie Loss By Archie Loss (Ungar, 1987). Admittedly not the most imaginative title and most probably your professor would take out marks from it, but there it is. A chapter about Maugham's life and the rest about works that Loss considers worth talking about.

Willie. The Life of W. Somerset Maugham (1989)

Willie. The Life of W. Somerset Maugham - Robert Calder After writing a book of criticism on Maugham, Robert Calder went on to write a biography of the author; this copy is published by St. Martin's Press, 1989.

Colonizing Masculinity: The Creation of a Male British Subjectivity in the Oriental Fiction of W. Somerset Maugham (1994)

Colonizing masculinity - Philip Holden By Philip Holden - this is the dissertation, which is later revised and published as Orienting Masculinity, Orienting Nation: W. Somerset Maugham's Exotic Fiction, you can read the dissertation free...

The Ruling Passion: British Colonial Allegory and the Paradox of Homosexual Desires (1995)

Christopher Lane - The Ruling Passion By Christopher Lane - there is one chapter on Maugham, which I am not too enthusiastic about, reasons are in my review of "Maugham's Of Human Bondage and the Anatomy of Desire".

W. Somerset Maugham (1937)

Richard Cordell - W. Somerset Maugham 1937 By Richard Cordell, published by Thomas Nelson & Sons in 1937

The Maugham Enigma

jonas - maugham enigma Edited by Klaus Jonas, published by Peter Owen, unknown date

The World of Somerset Maugham

jonas - world of somerset maugham Edited by Klaus Jonas, published by Peter Owen, 1959

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